HomeMy WebLinkAbout223157590050 YNr I File No. -T--.--. ,-'I .: II! - . NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2'1" SA.lE PRICE Rd, Sci'l. I P<:lrt PUD I fPD I I _ R. I LI HI #11866 68 2.25348 ~. G. Peste C. Stohr 2 403 A ~ -Y7f '112liL / Richard Wi11t", H~ 11 et ~ 8~~~d"2'- f--- a -- - - - FA; 3d3_,f!l! ~" '1- 4, '~11 H~-7 7'/7 /'6" . t;- 3,/-27.'10 c_ iZ..i llwA,v Asrz ;r " " ---. ----- .., ?JJDb f DlJ ( ) g( ( /.ii3 4 3 -.L C (...{ - ~---, t;L ( Vq A .'? ;L l- e II . . ' , NUMBER OF ACRES I I V ALUA liONS 0.JC) Year Oyste, limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timb.r Unlmpro...ed Impro....d Impro....mutt 8. of E. (Building,) VA.lUE 75 5.31 5.31 I~; /25 -J~ S 3/0 ~~ / c) zt / :::r~-: . --, . /3 d 7c,- /f :;,3 I 5,31 f1.", :;Z/tJ S"3/0 %J- cf2/ C 61 ;2/000 - -- - - -- , - - : LOT 8lK. 'S' '7~ '0 ~61 see, TWN, RGE. ~-=?I ~ ~. , -...,_2.~ ~j; 5.pt,S~.aI*?,.._ ..--'.' - . -,., ~. - - . .. --'..-. ...... (Tract 5 of Survey, Vol. 2, pg 12 - AF#312314) That ptn of the N! of 15-23-2W.W.M, daf: " Commencing at the E icorner of sd section; th N 870 00' 50" IV alg the E & W centerline of said section 950' to FOB; th N 150 00' 00" E 150'; th N 560 00' 00" E 380'; th N 310 32' 17" W 3l1il.17' to the Ely margin of County Road No. 8061 at a point on a CUI"'re from which the center lies N 430 06' 20" IV 1130' distant; th Sly alg sd Ely margin and alg said curve, to the right through a central ange of 70 20' 43" an arc distance of 144.87' to a point of tangency; th S 54" 14' 23" W alg sd Ely margin 132.61' to the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 770'; th Sly alg sd Ely margin and alg sd curve through a central angle of 240 44' 23" an arc distance of 487.92' to a point of tangency; th S 290 30' 00" Walg sd Ely margin 223.53' to sd E & W centerline; th S 87" 00' 50" E alg sd centerline 362.74' to FOB. --.~. .~ ~,,"' , 1" .' Jii.' .