HomeMy WebLinkAbout223117600240 -;::;--FIl' NQ -T---.-- -'--- 4178 34.2.~.iEred 51llE 1S1r>~< r8'~ 10fql2.l. G. Peste I()tio 2 03 A DISTRICTS '2 'f / PUDlfPD 1_1 3 Lei H SALE PRICE NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. 5ch.I!!)rt <"nd"U s. "'.'6 7ll A~-:"'7/-o1.'tf) I J'/ ( ""n-1 A 3 L I (jjtJT'I R.2. / 'fo.. 11 3 ;J. L l~~8fJ .-JDoon =i1 77'''':<S- ;5IP;?SO W.!:) c... {.{ cli-l -------------- . I N UMBER OF ACRES Y.<!r Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL ,Oyster - Jl 5'.0,", 5/,,_JC"1 Zi 24 .~oa ..s: 0 0 112.. .5- ./1 ~ 5.00 7/.1 ~,(-:-, ~, ,,"'j - VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved lmpro....d Impro....m.nt. (Buildin~s) B. of E. VALUE ~~~,. ,,~ en /.:J~; -; :)1700 /dr;,u .,---~O 0 I?~oo /?uOO dl'>o'Or, ,;;:;." , ;;('3,{OD 1--- 1---- ---I-. LOT SEC. BLK. TW!\!. RGE- I\. II " 23 2 Tract 24 of Survey Vol. l,2~,-i i {',7 /..q' D" (j~:J./flJ. 4/19.-22 - ,. , .~, All thRt por of the Nt of Sec 1]-23-2W, H.M. lying E1y of the Tahuya River, particulnrly desc as fo1lo~s: Co~encing at the }T cor of sd See 11; th N 86012' 44" 1{ nlg the N line of sd s~c 11, IOn. 38'; th 'i 25041'41" 1,' 1536.55' th c: 7Ro(\4'5:1" E 197.8'1'; th ., 25041'41" \, 39:'.81' to the pob of the tr of In:1d :,erpby. d8SC; th cant S 21)041 t ,lIlt ~.~ <"),Q. 21' to the ell of a SO' wide acce~s find utilities easenent recorded under '-lason Co ""ud File 11'344111; th S:rly R 19 the ell of sd flO' 3ccess ':lnd utili ties eaBE'I'1erlt on a curve to the right hnving ." rndius .,t 1,.tlich ')e,rs '" 41015'25" \.' 'iOo.on' with ., c"'ltral angle of 01"41'Cl7" for an arc dist of 14.71'; th" 4'i001'28" r 194.4'i'; th on " curve to the left having a rmlius of 'iOn.oo' with n central angle of 19014''i1'' for nn arc dist of 167.97'; th S 64018'19" E 255.22'; th'l 25041' 41" E 305.18'; th on a curve to the left having a radius or 5(\0.00' and u central angle of 11"24'27" for an Clrc dist of 99.55'; th N 69040'39" 11 610.39' to the pob. 7.xcepting therefrO!!! rJ r/w .~ .,.---