HomeMy WebLinkAbout223107500150 Ye: I -File .~o - f"-----..-.----.-- NAME of o~-_u CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ q'J _~_ SALE PRlCf Rd."TSch. P')rtPUlfl-fP~! - 4/78 34228/ Fred G. Peste 2 ~03 A 3 ,L ,c H 1156855 R ;:~!!OV) ~g ---- _, ==-JL-'-~ A Lii~-TL....c ' J.t 'WfJ!J3U_____ _____ Y;;... 1 14'0.5 fI ....i.iE.q..LI-LI.tL~6'1-a-- ill.L_~85]J_~tL__n~ Adolf G. Leder r t '" (acheIIM.1-+-- $17500 '1fi'PU~4~l L !:),~()~~- f-{ L ,:::'.;-- Jt&> r"t,.'8.!;'.,~_::'_&:L''-~CA t!' _7 ~-fsu_, >,) ___I-- '_ Id,ii"~- ,,,-,,, - 1--, 1 ' -. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES Year I Oy:ter Timber I Unimproved Improved '/1 FLL')PV:.:.D ,t;.1 "'i ---1---- ><0 TOTAL I I I I 1- VALUATIONS o. ," ,......,. ,.-. < .' Oyster Timber Unimproved ~mprov d Impr?v~m..nh e (Bulld:nQ" Ido 5t!J ['70 _ B. of E. VALUE -=- I L I ~ ~I __ I' 1,__ --:--- -------1---____:--=--- ~-- -----=J:=~_==l --- - - I 1----+--- ,-----1 '---!- I ! Tract 15 of Survey 5/13;;)~~3 /{}.161o-OV ~.. ~?;; ;/$ ~1 / -7 (:,~.; 140 .;:FOC)o //? r: ,;, \ . ":~'":_'1_~ 1---- '1--- - -- -----. LOT SEC. BlK. TWH, RGE. 10 \...- 23 2 A tr of land in the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 10-23-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the NE corner of the N line of sd SID 160'; th th N 020 41' 07" E 227'; th N road rights-of-way. -'. pU ~~ ' )~Z JH'l the NW NE of sd Section 10; th N 840 47' 30" W aig S 050 12' 30" W 299.04'; th S 870 08' 53" E 830.35'; 810 29' 23" W 661' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom ...