HomeMy WebLinkAbout223097500310 y.~'-I -File ;;;:-.l------~.-.-----NAME of ow~---- I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2. 'f I SALE PRICE Ri.'"TSch. ,Porl-P(iO-I-fPD; I 73 277711 DES I GNATED J --i 4/78 )_4.2~tred G. Pes_te _ 2 40 A 3~___;.!---iC H #56855 .1L82r1Q.2222_ ~-';lmes_Ji. Nevhart et Illi_(.Eils'llL_______----fL f ~b:1 Ii ...iJ-.li_I.hIZ ~7Z~~9 , 3):- /' ,h7 (L./'<--<'//lN) f' ~ I., _I A I I I ;/~' - y",JfE'!f-'_If>""'^ ,. y~>r" en", LiI1 '2 R~ U"," -'-''''-1CT """,X, A ~~o9V~~ I : __ ____ _____ L_J_ _m__ _mH ___ _____ -__ -- f----'-- _ -----j----- -- 1-- ~'" . NUMBER OF ACRES I I TOTAl. I Oyster I 1 VALUATIONS . c; .: (', limb., Unimproved Impr~v.d Improvements I B. of E. (Build,n91) VALUE 210 2L/!'J .5~7 (), J ..;- -) C r: / fee, tR I S /c~ I ...~... . '[ C -1 -L Timber I Unimproved I Improved i:; f--- c( p g?, 5:20 5:.1.0 'j,:N 1,(' 5_,1(, -- '-__1-____ f---- 1-- 1- ------------ -- ---------- --- ~I 1__- :___'_=:=l -~- -f--- ________L____ --- ___un: I , LOT SEC. BlK. TWN, RGo. ,:, 23 2 Tract 31 of Survey 77f~3-o1?T?L()ili0llJ - - -- - - -- - - 5386:.3/ ~ That ptn of the NW SW, 10-23-2 W,W.M., daf: BEGINNING at the NW corner of the NW SW, th S 02021 '00" E along the W line of sd sid 394.74'; th S 81059'08" E 573.74'; th N 02021 '00" W 388.41' to the N I ine of the NW SW of sd Section 10; th N 81021 '54" W along sd N line 574.91' to the POB, except- ing therefrom rd rights-cf-way. A.F.#379318 ~ ~ 4/1Z-; ~ .- .-