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V.., FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS , ,~' ::.;--& SA.lE PRiCe Rd, kh.IPorl PUD fPD I ~/73 01'4128 James Wal tenbur.. et al /"J/ ) 2 O~ D ~ L H %f f ifa3 n '? Ii L If r-, -.,. --.-, - ,-- ,- - - - -,-- " --- - - ~;"ioIlI\! v.., I 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~,pO TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unlmproyed Improved Im~roY.m.nh .. of E. << ulldln~11 VALUE ~ .:.;,~ -<:I_n $'B ,;j /5"' ~~ _80 4410 4-70 1'1 /. ~ ;;b 3;& ",~ 70 --- - - S-c(~ ....:., {./- 71 ""'-, ~ 7'" Sa:) .5 Oc> ' - iJ " 73 .,2 7.3 /000 /000 if ~ , LOT 8LK. '~!iIf1JlQ!O\()()O SEC. lWH. 'Go. 2; ,.-.. ,.", ' . _& , 23~ 2 II '0'_ ,&~Sft SE,ll ..:t_. - -^--~ . .~_ -'. ~---s...-. , t ._~~-'-~-~ ,< .". " -~ , ..._~~~"uL'.":' ,.-,..-_.-. ,--~.~- ,--,. ":.:'''''I(I!::'-~~-- __.,,~.~.,_."":;b-+:~.::,.~__-~ ''''..~''..c:""'_' . '. .' Jamlls E. Waltenburg Elmer W. Wal tenburg Donald E. Waltedhurg _10.,.,.._,,.. .....",....~"'!'.