HomeMy WebLinkAbout222333400040 Y.llr FU. No_ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 85 SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch. P,~ PUDlfPD H I Maa1ng Mason ~4 64 202895 J H Hill Co Enterpr 1 G 3 5 LI H #21965 .ML 282580 r.n F)c/J7) ~ 11.5"',1.1/3 :LL,J;!" l;;~_ 7.":;7"" d?IC/,y ~ lq~S53 y DA "t r2I J" ,II ' ,.., ..... b" ~so ~"D { ,p" . . . ....1 0"... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimprovlld Imptovlld TOTAL Oyst... TImb... Unlmpt'o'f'lId Imprond Im~foum.nt. .. of E. I ulldln9s1 VALUE 63 .30 .30 7nn 970 167n 64 1265 97n ??'l~ 65 1'65 147n 77'l~ 66 : set. l~lln llllJ\ 'l/.?n 68 25~5 1R40 t..'l7~ 70 50'f, 'in7n ~Q7n ont..n 72 '107n , "n"" 73 1.19 1.19 ,n6n'i 66~~ ~~M^ ~" '#<1% //,- /:$3/0 ~ 7C, Lj"" ' 3'/" /lC }/ l,po " .'" /.- ..' !7 I-{ 7.7'-4-c ..5-:5 'f '-{ :=: :; -':' ~ ,- .:,- E. / ./) . IJCj 9 S(J IH /D_:; -: , 17? ':;99 "to 6.;2 7=~ 1 /,?~"5?f.o Y( 17} i-'- =; :,-q ffY-/ -5 C; Ci:'---J e!o.i /:;?; / ';'? r .'_' - ';9:.: f=:':'- / ~Ir; _~ :::~ 1/ '-! '/, ~ ,v LOT 'LX. SEC. lWH. 06.. J 12..;i..;2I:;{~.-i JA ~~ ~O - -- ' 1-/--,;;/ - .2- . 2~ .? lr 4 of G wtsr? ~ .Zi1at...J...&.. JJBl W oi:.2t-~ ' - " --". --- ... ~-~.----.... W Ccmnencing at the quarter section comer beb.leen Sec. 33, TWP 22 North, and Section 4, TWP 21 North, both of Range 2 West W.M., in Mason Co., Washington, and running South 0 32' East along the North-South quarter section line a distance of 107.83 feet which is the point of intersection of this line with the North rignt-of-line of the adjacent county road, and the initial point of beginning of this description: Thence westerly along the curve of the said North right-of-way line a distance of 26.17 feet, more or less; thence North 180 12' West a distance of 305 feet, more or less to the point of intersection with the shore meander line of Mason Lake; thence North 69000' East alonethe Nly I ines'of sd G.L. 6 & 7,276.46' & S 71024' E 46.82' +- to the NW corner of Tr I of the Plat of Madingss Sunnyshore Addition #6; th along the Wly I ine of sd Tr i, S 0022' E 2/3.28'; th N 89010' E 20.64' & S 4056' E 120.4f' .+- to the Nly right-at-way 1 ine of sd C~unty Rd; th S..8S042' W. along the Nly ~of-way line of sd C~d, 251.03 +- to th--. POS. ..... ~ -'- --- . .- ''''1'