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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I'S- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO .L 54 G 3 5 ~WF"A ----- H SALE PRICE 52 10679 Simpson Logging Co. -A.. . Lv(' / i2.,. "'/S5 "1'-1088;; CUSsnm;' 17"". ----- --- --~- -- ---- ====---='~':::~::_-_':-"_----"7',::""-:-:::-:---':-::-:;::--~_::_;';'-_::~-"-:"---'--':~'::'-"::::--:"'~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .;29 'D Y.ar Ol..r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Older Timber UnImproved I"'proved Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldlngw;) VALUE 56 M Z& Pi 35 110.49 110.4 "R(;~~~T///'l Itl ED //0 t/-9 r. .~~. ED J/O.';? I/O 'If /curJ% - 110 ,;;.~,o ?:-ftJ 1"760 (p 36() 110 e:l-::ltCP !We J'71tt8 t::36o flED '.---..- i " i ~'!:'-~'''r I I r , . , LOT BLK.' ,-- . -.---- , SEC. TWN. ROE. NE NW 36.91, NV{ NV{ 33,5$, SW' Nil 40.00 .~s.s!~EIl"'Cl.MUlED I I T I I I I I I -- .- -NUMBER OF ACRES ~. . - .. --L.- l'-~ VALUATIONS -f. ,p () Year I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Impr~v.d Improvlm.nh \ B. of E. lBlllld,nqs) VAlUE go (fJ" -:7. -~ 11+..2 t:; 1'1,:;5 ,71/7 1 -P.<7 71 .it/.. ;J,~-- ,I';', 2-5' ,?"Ir'J ?3() ~ CLAS 1OBBS'l' I:;:; 0 /gc;J.o 8,,; /'I:J.s /'1 ~s /'1 a 0 1$01:1 qtj /'1/0;- /<//~ (/~ -- / c(.:;)::,-- '--,- - 1'/.;; -::; L!i ,. () /.:190 - - -- -.-- -- --- -- - ---_._~.- .--- ---- I--, I - '------ -. -- 1_- .- ---- ----.- ---- ---- -- - --- ----- - .=1 ---- -~--- --- -..-- - t=- . - --- ------- , i I . - I , -~""""""