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, y." FII. No. NAME of OWNER ~._, ~ ~ ..",,= ;Uf I SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD I I #14432 ---55L Harry R. Elmlund et ux .W.Leitch,Jr 21lJQ; A l ~J::.- c $6000 :~ '/Y3J4~ ",f.Jl.R1:w. ~ t(}"-'vc " ~'$'; L'rft1fL.:l...2.L~i:L I~ ~...:iZ i:)tl-:. _. /~'" -f :-.<,.L n j I/r'/JI'J l/ /C/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - I " " .........-I~...'.. ,.. ....... '-'"" .....~,~ -- ':~1I_'~;'~~"_,~'.~ _--= - ) NUMBER OF ACRES , VALUATIONS V..r Oytter Tlmb.r Ulllmprovtd tm~U'oVlld TOTAL Oyltlr Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Imprond Improvem.nb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE _-€L f '72 Y @ /'0,'1 /.0 ,~ ~<:? tso 7"s- 7.3S ~ 11.$.:1 ~ ;'0 3 /,;::} ~ I_~ 0 d .-t/r /.21/ i"" - ~IL /0 c/o d;!..O /':<00 14 /o~ Q,(j la-a ~Iz- ..d:7 /5~0 t:, .yt'J dittL "'/. - 14- .:1)/1(1/'1 ~ - -/2:> :"';77-':> 1 ~ '/;) --;Z-.. ~ Ir .G1!J B9~ 32- ./-- ''';'. -- , 1i!2. /" .., :', ~ /a;o --,._J:::;~ I~ -, ~ #/{/R /GSo ~ 19cJO- I Z!L .&-()% I ~rt' '" .s:iJ d ..l!?'o~ I 1 JL 6 Me -SUe} 0540 I 79 .~C'.~/ . / [ ~ 1.( '\ I /;J 6"" 7.5/) /J 750 -21 C c) (.,600 ,-"-fj(, G,,5aJ f;z.. 157500 .21()o$ I. ?$o5 LOT BLK. , , lEe. TWN. ROE. ?-;I~31X~LtJ'f)}~j7~J I .' ""~. ~.-.1. __iil - - c; That part of W 350' of Lot 2 lying Nly of Primary State Ely of Plat of Shady Beach. ~J~~ 5/11%" ',-, .c~~