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V.ar FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..2'11 SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUD I FPD - - - - - , R. Pierson 52 n02571Town1ey et ux 2 lr.Ql A -.1 ~- L C k :It) 7/J S-"i .z;,/70'f , '-10/ tf!) 1/1f'3 If 1L /f. Uh?A".-,() J/ / .3 d:o L L - - - - - - I ,- - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~. .....,. ... . -. ..' , ~~-=- - , - ~""- , NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS Year Orater Tlmb.r UnlmproVld Improvld TOTAL Orat.r Timber I Uolmp",,,d Improv~ ]lmDrOVemenb B.ofE. (Bul1dlnua) VALUE .":!'5. 1 .JJ. 60 ..5..2- 1.10 i .,C. .n 1.03 600 SOO 1160 .5.l.. " .n 1.03 60 600 350 1010 !iL 1 ~ ~~ i .L. . 60 600 350 1010 .C. .n 1.03 n I/ftoo L. . j.,00 1016 / 5 ni .t ./:2 107 'J 3SCJ /or 2l l'ff~ ~. ./ ? /.07 (/7 () 1 ::<00 35""0 /&/0 , ,951 .faa 10 ,/ ? 1.0 7 ~ ),;( ,')0 ;3,4-0 J ,?;' ~-71 j. ~~ izL ,9~1 .1;J. J. o? 1%00 . ")/ D ~3/o /.~'I"" r ~ - .:l;jS7:J 61,10 :1J"~o ';.d " '/", GL . <r1!t~ tJ 5~t'), 4Q ./ ~ L ~d) fLUCJ 9~;; .QJ7't:J "/ U / A 'f"blJ /~?I') J/~?~ 12 '\ ~&:; 'It /.:J;l:. "'57!J u/.-. 1/4...7~tJ /.y..',/ /Ii . ~ "V' r? ~ If lC'/rl 0:;; - fb(l-r:XO 1!t. I(&{) ~ ~ if? .?O~j'$'e 7~ ,;}5$"()C .?- 9 ctS' JxH f.s- LOT BLK. lEe. TWN, RGE. ~~;!~~--. .........-..- .~~ , , . .. .. '. ... I , . , -~t!I!',,, .....,~ ....""7. " -.,.. w 75' of E 100' of W 175', lying N of Nly R/W of Road No. 14 also Tidelands and O.L. abutting upon same. (Tax 1093 (App 10541) - Tidelands of 2nd class in front of E 100' of W 175' of Lot 4.) The E 25' of Tax 1093 is assessed with Tax 1090-A. ';C~,,"" - '- ,- . .4 ' If) ro ' -e' '~, -, . -- . ~~~.'.~ y", I 0,.... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyst., limber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. (Bvildin9s) VAlUe 12 I.~gt I,D7 ~'75',f/) I, ~:;(r ,/.;j :H" '?() S?.:JJO I'1Q 73.:<.50, '13 b ')-() 116.f7CJ 7'1 ' r {If. I.::L 1,(J , Co d 9':' '5CJ ,;; 7St'o S7;;J,IO i. .~n, In ItJ!?Soo SI" /15 INt.f5 . -- -. - j dl. , ':. i . ',. -' '~-;""S.. - "'....,:.;;;-."-~-;;..- '.' ,,'