HomeMy WebLinkAbout222222100270 DISTRICTS d~/ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Pori I PUD I FPD _. ~2 100198 L. S. Medbury 2 IL.O~ A 1 2 L C H 63 :l ,'.!t. NOl'ton & Vh-l '~ ..L II- 201'329 II' " Betty Bogle fi( { It c 6/ 12~"/h~ (, _.:;t; AAf!'D) ~. Y7,,:;;L" h#~ 0 7111,' :3/11 .;.!/ / I}" ,0 p. 1:. . 1ft ,I:' ~ ~~ ~6 7,2 , 4D^ I tJ/JS 1"'19'b" ,. IlL ,II .f' ~ J -""hi;' I I ~l 1::>5.3"''',':;- v I ?'ii''1'''R 'i " ,p, ,'"" J 7,1)/3 dl-.....e.cP ct: ~., >'/L4-- I I ~..31 38 '-lIt, 'ii'''' ("f) ? fR" ~~~~~8 QeD rp:;p'~sia L.) /7 ~ 1 ~. $5000 , T. WD I .~ dd I I ...- ............... ........~ , . ' _.- NUMBER OF ACRES U VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimpro~ed I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~11 J <:#/ .:ffJ/'J I<L. ~"'A'" ;:HRltJ c-"P/ c::) /Jt -- ~ L -"''''1' '~/.o //6Itl ~ I~ ,./0. _ ~/"'" I'!h'- , 7~ ..2l f}J~J~ ~ /.;J.1S2 ~ _:;lr.::1 '14f .J ~ r%(tI' / ~ /6tJ1?t1J ~G> 77 390()(j ';;;~Or() t:,1 ,j~O 1;1 1.-1{~ :In I. .", {. '=?90/l^ _21. 7,!?(J I. 678CJ 11 97t100 'I c,,";',P 0 /</.3 ,;),,?D 1r 4, '/. E,,,..E- ,. jl.O t366" hi (,,2,90 10 ''l2S'O 77 /.S(., , ,).0 I.~G(; I :? :~; .- GO 3'1,'60 7..2.7 d. (.1 ~ ,fJ 1 -:;; (n j " ;' ,-:;/ /.2oStJa ,.;, I ( oS /'1'/':;05 _ .D 'i3 (.J /1 f># /'i6 1;:( 3S,M '/09stJ 1104'15'"6 it/. >:';>ECI /.2S' 2.0/ " &,~,., /fo'?50 J/>'/ d z:"o /.% Rc; (P 3-500 17/500 /<:r51'J1Y) lOT BLK. ~>>:~J~~~~3:71p , SEC. TWN. RGE. "",-' "L" ~" ~. ,~ ':ox.ILl'. '.' . .. ,"I 1"""'~....- ,.."~c,,,,___ -~ -~"~ ..-.-" -.;.-...- Beginning at a point on the N line of Primary State Highway #21 700' E of W line of Govt Lot 3, 22-22-2; running thence N to the Govt meander line of Hood's Canal; thence Ely, alon~ said meander liae, to a point 800' E of W line of said Govt Lot 3; thence S, parallel with the W line of said Govt Lot 3, to the N line of said Primary State Highway #21; thence Wly, along N line of said Highway, to I.P.: said land being also known and described as Tract 7 of unrecorded plat of Happy Hollow Tracts. ALSO that portion of a tract of 2nd class tidelands lying in front of above described upland eIcept any portion thereof lying below the line of mean low tide. EXCEPTING therefrom portion deeded to Robert G. and LaVerne 1. Moch in deed dated November 12, 1984 2.nd recorded under AF# 435967; (W)4'o (H) ALSO by WD recorded under AF# 435969: W 50' of the E 520' of Govt Lt 3 22-22-2W.W.M., which lies South of PSH #21 (Navy Yard Highway) presently known as State Hiwy #106. =~/n R IC/Oe#. NOTE: The land described in AF#'435969 shall become a permanent part of and appurtenant to the land described first above and shall not be further subdivided without the prior written permission of the Director of General Services of Mason County. . ...., ,.-.-->;-.. ~..... --~. .;---'.~'_. -'...---- c.-.----- . E I~~I H>-t)'j JOt.. B,-f(I1,'r... '7JSL y