HomeMy WebLinkAbout222213200150 .. "'l Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO / DISTRICTS C? 4/ Rd, Sch. Port PUO I FPO SALE PRICE 52 993745 M. J. Welsh 6, 2nlt-a, 'F.<\ I.LL :7;1 ~"'6.f~1:;- Yn..{h, //!.,duoY'rH--...e#dO 'I (,h~ ~/4h f ,U ~ J2/e/;;;,f/, {i ~ -h,'-, 1'8/ 3J'1'l'JQ I\),J/I/I. il "'J. 1// Ad . \ %.i 42/,,5<12. IV/ / ,y?, <)~. _.- /, /%(i 1/!J3S'1$ // /.1: S~U _d ~'~rF=- Ic/'r7) , . , 2 Iw' A ' 11 Lie H Ltb.L 000 " ;; ~ "'';;J7'3 )(/ I httl..' /l -3.;z. L C H. ""-d?"',,~~ #23436 t""7-'<333 "'''ooeo .., #S7;;!.oJ ..Ill /l'Hfff}'7 , ,,/('1) ~ ~'. Year Oyder Improved I I TOTAL Ii VALUATIONS NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimprovld Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .290/) &cJo 3/1/0 .2.-fc'/' U: / 0 ~ WO .:}%N tIC' ,'3530 -; >: ) ~:l- 7('CJ 7:?-;20 I~ 1 [1 7C} / L' 7~;:)/, 1-1/; 7f30 9'Q / tJ 7 '70.;-- I {It- J!S- . -7'" 4I"t1/J 71 r; (" /1 L,- ;:7~O .v'1{) 7tt/D P/~ 1f'If,-:; no/I? /.1". ,c:')d,11 /7',.f' 6? 1'7~ /- #'7_/_ ~ss ~/'J-'<?'7t:6; ~/QJI.'" 'h~oo /7~~ 6$~5~ &,"'c1.lc-::' .3cf.5,,' j075J'O t;;' 3. ;- k' J,f3 tf "5, f'Y 1. [9 :?sl ,'1 sl ,~" '3 . -1 /' :'\ /;:) r, /co .fD 5' 5' / ~14j I<;"x ,yEt: J(/, Lq; :3: '3 ""Vf-- 1;;,(; If; I IL;l ;. ,5'7 vL? lu /;1 110 I~ I~ 7J 71 , I LOT -<9- ~,u /..;J, U/.. ~ ,c;?C. =01 jiil?Jj;I 1:\1 /J oR ,L' (c:r7/tk:'~ SEC. eLK. TWN.. RGE. . tr<!.9t~151& It 9f ,,~ -, ~ "'-'-3~lJ.7j:r~ ., -, ." , "" "'--~ ...' ~ . t. ",~.,.,"~ , or' ,"'--... - .'~'.-~='" Formerly known as Tract 4 of Govt. Lot 4 T.Lands in front of Tract #2 in Lot 4, Sec. 21-22-2 A part of Lot 4, Sec. 21, Twp 22 N, R 2 W, WM and more particularly described as follows: E. line of property conveyed here in will run from Public Road known as Navy Yard Rd, in Nly direction to water of Hoods Canal said line will be 100' W of center of our house N & S.; S line will commence where the E line intercepts the R/W of Public road. Thence Wly to W line of Block 4, Sec. 21, ~. 22, N. R. 2 W. WM. The W line will run from the interception of the Sand W line of Lot 4 N of the Public Road and in Nly direction to the waters of Hood Canal. The N. line will follow the shore of Hoods Canal from the W. line to the E. line. All Tidelands in front of this property are herein conveyed with the property described. .. * Ex. D l-,:{ I I I I I I I I I ---~'-.'---' - "'- . ~- . ' - - - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oystlr TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvlments B. of E. (Blllldin1jl51 VALUE * 1.57"1,( ,;(, J/ i, .:<, 'If." .200,pOO 59'l~5 ..25"n~S 2 {,11..(!. aM""'''';' 17"'~ /S~ 2,'78 2,'7.t 28t,o". $1Jf.oS" ~~'7tf)1f' /(, "'" LIVt"rLlIL n ' ( I? / ::';U!] {,.. ';.:J!,IAv 8'1405 3DgO~S- ' j ',I', " 7'1 / /-,d '1970G Sc;.% IS(7/t> '" JJ. 71. 7 t.( I7R -J.7;) 'fD18'oo ((-7(J'{) 15.,2I'TePa z.;; '1~9!oa /30ooCJ 5"39SN) - -- 1---- . -- - , ~ I , j , - ""-",,,",,", -- .',- . Yur I File No. I DISTRICTS -------.._,-- Rd. Sch. Port I PUD ~ i ! 621q~182 M.J.Welsh w.cat.hcart",_2, ,,11.100 A ,_12_LlcrHDl4.~-- -.-..f,3..~~ William T. Cathcart et ux --"--'-- _ 1/_ _ 717 ~ ".- S- If.~ _., LJ : _ _C i \.. >: dlO6>'7'_ ./ I /J -Ii--- -- , , 7{J.l?~-'l.f"f'1",,, PAfC_ I' ~J 4 rl-. A../_~, 1__ ?'- 1''7 ,112'<;~ g"~R P' ,.L,. -.4- I,. j hW Or / 7 .,/ I , ?::~ ~6" ;1 (' I I NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO ~J~E./g!Y r ~ I i I __ _u I 1-------- ---- I ~=--t-~- ___~ , I I-~-i~-l I, .11 u___ - .;:- ^"'''--_. .- ,,~--... ~-,--_. NUMBER OF AeRES _I VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber Unimproved; Improvod TOTAL Oyster i Timber , Unimproved I Improved I Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE Ul I//? ~e ~I-- lid; 6'/-, I-iLl I~ I~ ?t 77 "1Cf /./0./ d2~ I Ao~ I I' --- I .,,2/9 oi ;]/qr.' /yC' .2..320_ 273<; .;2.;2s- 2i~ ~P..~ ~~ 35/0 ~62CL /I~A ?tb7-ttJ . /. ____6$'~ I.h'/#~ 0>,.". ~.,.,~ /1/ 7_ '(j 1;f'~9t7 ~~ ~fl7~ 3C ~J/.. I ~t/~/., ,''/ /30 ,J~-" _~/_,"')____ _ 7 8:;;'3(i{J ;(/"it,{J ItJ3 ?c"Q.. 2190 3"J. ,32-- (IlL Ii ~-f'-e ~{; .I j~% ---+ 3'}' :;(~ I -L'r> / . /:,- ( I ,," . ( I .J- I _. f" ,I I /' , (1) -- -- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. ""'-"'''- ~'. ,. -.... .......",.~"'"-,.-'~, .. ~ --.. RGE. -- .. Tract 16 o! Govt D-' '-': :'-< . .",. '''' .' .'..".~ /. -~~,..,.... -- ,~~~ 'C:"'" Tract 4-D of Govt Lot 4 Com at meander corner common to Sections 20 & 21; thn N 37P57' along Nly line of Govt Lot 4, 72.58' to I.P.9f tract of land hereby described, (said point being 45' E of W line of Govt Lot 4 extended Nly as measured at right angles thet'eto); thn continue N 37'57' E. along Nly line of Govt Lot 4,73'; thn S 4~48'45" E. 220.62', more or less, to Nly R/W line of State Highway #21; thn S 75'52' W, along Nly R/W line of said Hwy. 64.15', more or less, to a point thereon which is 45' E. of W line of Govt Lot 4, as measured at right angles to W. line; thn N 0"22' W. parallel with W. line of Govt Lot 4, 177.91', more or less, to I.P. I ,:a...;._ ,.' ,~,<-,_"~~...~;-,,,,.-w,, ::;;;;'-~''- ..,.,_".-.w_. .'._--......',~.. -.._~~-~~'-- , ~ .~,..~ II ,I