HomeMy WebLinkAbout222213200140 - I -, I OISTRICTS -4L Year Filo No. NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO - ,-,-~--".,-,---,---~ --- d;~ ,,'~~E I Rd. I sCh'l Port I PUD 1!~J~_.-1- ~Q I, I '! M. J. Welsh Ole Olsen 2 403 A 3 I 2 L I C H til5.000 __ - I 3 ~...b._ c t 212860 Ole Olsen et ux ___11.. J-'rM A H '*~;;:SK/ .5/67t'Z 11/:Pf,'.a_ 't{yj<ieMJ p-lttL I ! , 7~ llLtrQ. , "-r,o" ,,~ 71. 'PI. 'AA. ,.f. ~.d_aJ 1+ ~77/sL , oco -- ----- =IJ' ~ I iu~L . I I I e-- I ~, ------- , ! I ! i I -~--l--r--_r_ --,- ---'- -"-- - · . .+-t~. I ': - --. --- I I 1--- ----- t---i-~-I+- , , I .~. .- ...." .. ,',. , - ~ ""'--. - _..:-~....,.... ~=,'---=-='+-o-"-=-,,- -,-,- , - - ...",...'...... I NUMBER OF AeRES I I VALUATIONS I Unimproved I - I - I i Improvements B. of E. Year Oyder i Timber Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved I I (Buildings) , VALUE rIP ,/; ,</g .). c I C--~;{ ~('f)1 I - #~ _t;' I I .;L.1/-;). - () - I I dL/M' dt/.<LCL ~ -E 1 3cC"'c> ...J.L2d..i2..... ! I/"j . I :It.'COt;':.... i--- t- 0_ _.30? (1 It I-. .- Af,- ;7l.. .J7.t:;"O 75 ....3%,;L7~ 11-:'7 ~%+--- ~- 1>/'" ScO'#'1O -. .1Q - 6;", d tJ /~/" 11fJt:9/ (d I~ . , I /A17M 1-~5 'u _ -- I -- t7!...,/J .iR,p L:' ~~ /SLZS""_ 1/'4 /- / II; ~ 'd1W&JiJ /~ ~~c!1 7- ~//---- ;/1<.') ")'-IPc1 :.; 3 '1 d2..... 7q I, C::/ ,,( ,fR ,~l I II') Of" """, ;" 115-;-M --:'4 ~ I 14.' ~-, .:ll/ ,'., J./..:c 7,-0 '. ,,/,' _.' '- 1.fJ I "I L C . '-19 'f) I II. :V, 3.5"05 1t.7tJa$ I i . lOT BLK. rj].i.1~' 1:~.i""OO, I. ~6~ , I , SEC. TWN. RGE. " a Trasl i4 of Govt ~ ' . ~ ;.'.. "--. 'Oi.. "\~'" ..'.. .... '" '. ,:"'";",.--,.,-,.~:, ",,,~.~,,. ''t''"'7. known as Tract 4-B of Govt Lot 4 Commencing at the meander corner common to fractional Sections 20 & 21, Twp. 22 N, Rge. 2 W, W.M.; thence S 0'22' E 132', more or less, to the Nly R/W line of Primary State Highway #21 (Navy Yard Hwy.) too N 75'52' E, along the Nly R/W line of said Primary State Hwy. #21, 252.2' to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described; too continue N 75'52' E., along the Nly R/W line of said State Hwy 65'; too N 4c20' E. 315.2' more or less, to the N line of said Govt Lot 4; too SWly, approximately S 74'28' W. along the N line of said Govt Lot 4, 100', more or less to a point thereon N 1"47'37" W of the point of beginning; too S 1'47'37" E 303.53', more or less to the point of beginning. Also, all tidelands of the second class. ...,,,. ..'~.. ..--- ..;:.--::..;._..~.-:......i." ~""-=:'7;;';'::~'~"";;--T-'-'-~;;;-- O~-"O- ~-,~..,.;;.<iJ';""-_;~- a.=:-:-:--:- i .. ~ . l. I .jll. / ~. 0h t .'//; ("" (' ,"" / ~ -"0 -/ (I -,,'l:.. !~ , ,,/ / '. '-IDO ----..J.--- .< .::...-cc L , ch -:f_~ ,I i/ Ie_de:.!.':'" /-"'".'.- ~. J' L. -;~"' ;; ,'"