HomeMy WebLinkAbout222212400280 ... 1 ~ ~16L. _ 2~e~~~ OWNER DISTRICTS ''1'/ V.ar file No. CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Seh. Po~ PUD I FPD , -. 52 126509 Delmar W. Ramsav Sr. et we 2 03 A 3 2 L C 64 205083 II II G.R.Reinbold 66 221618 II II Mission Cr. la hd o. #49lL. [/1 ~flC; tFh;./ . )(J). /J :/ ;; ~ - /. ,07 !5:!t!J1/ ~iiA.''';:; -/1 ..-'iW /Y'/<l0 ,0," -j ~ ~-0/.i;'" If 0.. ~ '4- '" 4. -r ' /7 ~ J/ "N/ff# // l ~LA ,! A (jf. Ih l/ ':(:<.p "/C63,"h ':: .s",~ J}/1S :;qq::!.&3 I iY ~ fII H L. ./ .f-tA.- ~X1'f1) ~I I ~3 1/ .'3 2. L c II ~5 4t/~'1~ l-- '<>0"",+ fi, fl:AfJ. flju.v(CM.-ofl .J #--f;;/J'~o -.!r-!J~';; ...nd /..UP. I I ~~n I ----"--.- ' -" , n . - -~--- -. -- ._-- I N UMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ., 5;; 'i, 17 0 FJ:oo 40 /r;3<; / t., 75"" 53 -&-, '7 () . ~ t..7c do I;;. .~ /fp/O 5';2 95"' _"3;' '7<j (;,70 &,70 Je> /~7Q /0/0 ,1;<;7e> It.t: ~ J0l-- () /U, / () 3;230 /,;/ ;JJP-o ."J.o/O 4~3o lit ":'/~() [..S,D .:? ;2 .f () A-- ~.)..J; 0 I/,-I, J;?"<)/' c:J..f' .b() ;) p~o It: /.,~~ /.,c. /'::;JtM //2 00 - 6 9~ ..2~ ~fL' bCS I~ ,1./0 .1.10' .3-,1{j . ;;rot) ls'o% ,- 6/JAO ~ ~CJ I~ ???A' ;f9-?f!j " 1fi I ~;{ W140 /~q'lg lis' ~ I?LI ,/ ~- S'/O>;;J'=>. r'> 77 :n 3P L. 3(,.P){) ~ </fltJ ..- \ .. LOT IL.K. - J IE, SEe, TWN, RG~ 2-2-2: I ;i;!/:(JJ2 --'D ., , --0' ~. "I . '. -'... ..- .. " Formerly known as Trs. 27-30 & T.L. Ex. Trs. A-K & Tr. 27 5 of R/W That portion of the E 200' of Covt Lot 3 lying N of Highway. ~ -r;-, t/ '/ '3eginning at the SW corner of tloe E 200' of Govt Lot 3; thence N 2010'42" E parallel with the E line of said Govt Lot, 1431.53'; thence N 6009' W 18' to a point on the Nly R/W line of State F~ghway 21 and the Wly edge of an existing concrete retaining wall; thence along said margin N 66025' E 68.55'; thence N 3051' W 110.Rl' to I.P.: thence S 3051' E 110.81' to said margin; thence along said margin N 65015' E 69.94'; thence N 2039'30" W 99.94'; thence N 15040' W 105', more or less, to the line of mean low tide on Hood Canal; thence Wly along said line 62', mC)re or less, to a point which bears N 10030' W from the I.P.; thence S 10030' E 130', more or less, to the I.P. ,.--M" ~ -L...~ I I I I I I I --w .- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved ImproYlmlnts B. of I: (auildinQ51 VALUe"" - 179 .If () ,1./-0 Sq(~5() "'f?5t;O /"'~ ISO 79 Crl d. 7 3.Ro. 3t-.t'/O bi/19,) IfJ.. ' 1-/ a ' ,{ 0 '10300 'ZJ' 750 It"(rJ5t? - - --- I-. - --, - .b.. '.- , ,.1 l I I .' - - , i ~'. , . - < -~