HomeMy WebLinkAbout222212300050 II!' I ,;! .y ( I DISTRICTS Ye/lr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -Rd. I s'ch.TPort TpUO(FPD I SALE PRICE <;? W H Abel et ux W. C. Abel 2 I,,,, , ,T 2 Li eft '!l9TI.L __ -62." w. C. Abel RI ~t=3~l:~+1:JL 62 196007 Sol Due Lands Inc. -~- ~ ,~~,. ~ ; s.sion CreelLT. nn ICn, I I #3Rf> ~ ill 537 Mission Creek Land Co. -- I I I fR'1 lr'7 d.:! >I'? /. /J d~ -- . 1-.----11 i Z/7kJ. 113 176 IS! . , ._7}J~'1~.t I 1=fF ~If S/'31f-.J-ll;;-' ..,~ , I I I-~--I -r l~ jj/ '110 MAA. j" rJ- L~, ./hw,. 1-.--- ---~ tJ~4f.KR '-;r1~ ~D-:L At.l~ ~" ~ i.' . u-i+jj- ----------,-_. !ill 2;}.3/; 6.J/ 7lttlr...th fl_/)d...-o' .L...Iirt{'W t.f4 (ro #6--:YNf C~ ~ I tRL . I , 1~-j'11 e- o" '. ' . . ..' .. - -" -. " -----~......_. ,"~ ~--- I NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved I Improved , I I Unimproved j Improved i Improvements I B.ofE. I TOTAl. , Oyster Timber : (Buildings) VALUE -- fa1- ,-1~ ~e. ,/.;2 j;l I __~'A~ ~#3o. $. [-<:: "0/" IU~ ~i '1J~ ~ I . L. L-.. '1'#1 M~ , ., 11- ; ~ ~, I . ,~ 1l$d$O /~'(J .Il . I J.:> ".., .-: /9,:;'-? ~: -:'i 11 ; ,., fl;o~ ~-- /S!Mo' /S-~O - -, ,72- I ~ Y'9./J"C . q<:ffJSO 79 ceo i 153/. 15.3/:,' , If). 71.. Lr I,) /;2. I II.~o ~() "tOn . /!u , 17.- 1"- I 009"0 jc:J,-:'() '-/?CJo I I -- , I -r-" I i , I .LOT BLK. I;t~;t'c?:J. 6l d () i OS, d SEC. TWN. RGE. , :>" 2 Trllct 5 of Govt Lot 4 & Tax 755' - ~- ~-.-- ," ;.. ~., 1. ' . .....~, ,}.,.. "', ',< ' ",.,'," '." -,,,' . The W 40 feet, as;:measured at right ang I es to the W line of the fa 1 low i ng described tract of land: AI I th ptn of LGovt Lot 4, Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., daf: COMM at the meander corner common to Sections 20 and 21, said township and range ; thence fo I low i ng the ba I anced Govt meander 1 I ne, N 200 58' 48" E 142.68 feet; th N 570 28' 48" E 503.35 feet; thence S 650 16' 12" E 447.84 feet; thence N 770 13' 48" E 242 feet to the pob of the tract of I and hereby descrl bed; thence leaving said meander 1 ine, S 20 05' 49" W 101.36 feet to the Nly R/W line of Primary State Highway No. 106 and a point on a curve with a radius of 984.93 feet, the center of wh i ch bears S 200 42' 47" E, sa i d curve be i ng a 1 I ne 30 feet NW 1 Y from and paral lei with the existing center line of Primary State Highway No. 106; thence along said Nly R/W I ine of Primary State Highway No. 106 and said curve, NEly, theough a central angle of 30 07' 16" an arc distance of 53.65 feet; thence leaving said paral Ie line N 20 05' 49" E 95.18 feet (along a 1 ine 150 feet W of and paral lei with the Eline of said Govt Lot 4) to the balanced Govt meander 1 ine; thence S 770 13' 48" E along said meander line, 51.73 feet, MIL, to the pob. h Q(Y) /'1'3.836':'5 .- --,-. -. ,. -- ..~._- ... - --~ ~_...~,....~... - . .