HomeMy WebLinkAbout222204200070 ,~' l/ r SALE PRrCE " ,,,-- Ir. IHJf''2-~3", / c.1 If ;~/,%, MM / ~ o",~.J.2,t,9r___ '''-~ ~;;v :,.(11 I.i"" #468'1:2. ,11'1'",,,, Year NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. I Port PUD FPD 7'11~JP'f?:?.o' r"'" 62 19~ 79 Frank A. Murrav Paul Bi"le~ 211.0' A 1 2 L 6 ~'''' ''''6 I'" A 7 I;(,>~ .t M.Ecker %1 LWo; JlI :? .2 L he? ge D~'" ,,// i11/ ~%fS~~K~ v/U' A-, ~/, " .. ~h jJ}3NW/i" P~";""-~b ./L (mWlun~!LJ.;;, /. )1:,,/ %A77(,"'77r~~o,{':j;,4)'J/;-r/l11 VI, ,,' " .~ ~.1 04733-' I,.,hn n ^ -+I..ux: %:5 t/fJr,J;tz 'P-tt, - ..~ '>:A j, L ~A ,,~/ / File No. , .." I NUMBER OF ACRES I TOTAL --l Oyster Timber Unimproved Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved J{,{. 1M I~ 7/f T 7~ ? 1f.'.2 Ib I~ ,~ , .;)3 1- ~z '-'" . .. ',' , ,<-"\...> ( ( . ;.7~? -./? LJu, II II. , ' ;;.? ^~ /dl1' EA t, /).. u ~, /', " ":- t.:::.. ~ /c.lf "If fl:7JOb -&., # <j':J..79i' . .,. ;'10A~, ,Dh Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ... .... , - - /1/4;:"0 ./ -?/ /.6d:ltJ $4I't) /.:1,~CI 15tf1/'eJ ~~9@ ~aJ si.'2tJ9/~~ I '?'11t'~ //$0 I'~ 95:'" I':',. ;J7u&c1 1/'15":' :J tj!--,X'C tj"-/JJ'O. 9"-0" /7<:;',(.r d 70';'0 ,.'J!.'7tJ{)i?7"1iJ &/c::'y'o C'j/70 1/ld5':; .20';;;0 ~ 17 () X t 3 () / S- tJO 0 ,'1;: so /7.;;25'0 ddf.c> 0 ,.....-..,.. ,..,-... (JFil): ~ if:f2A:-/?;:~ .' lOT BLK. L SEC. lWN. RGE. " ,"'", ~~. ,lXna.et .,' ~atI~.. '-"::./ - ""~~'r~'~ /7~ :J 4:/""'"'''-''' That part of the W 25' of Govt Lot 2 lying Nly of Primary State Highway #21 & T.L. ALSO; Beginning at the intersection of the W line of Govt Lot 2 with the Sly line of Primary State Highway #21; running thence S along said W line 120'; thence E 50'; thence N to said Sly line of highway; thence Wly along said Sly line of highway to I.P. AhSO: Comrnencing at the intersection of the h li~e of Govt Lot 2 with the Sly R/W line of himary State '!ig'i",;ay 1,10. 21; thence S, alan! said l/li'1e, 120' to 1.P.; thence continue 5, along said v/ li~e of IJovt Lot 2 to a Doint thereon, 346.06' 5 of N',; corner of Govt Lot 2; thence S 35 '; thence H to anoint E of 1. P.; thence ',/ to 1. P . except 5 15' thereof reserved for road purnoses. '~. -- -' -- , r."'.'" ''''.,. '~'"f- i. ~ . . .. ~_ -, -- '~ II q( .,~- / ~-l -+ " f ~ I lR._-J1 -:'..." -/'l('''"J-" p, ,_" (, t_-, ',' '. I..)"', ? -- II!., ,,,,,{, /'( , J -1i /, L 7< ? :::II ,_ -' ~. -1;-, 1~ rA ~. -/~ f:.kL, /'.2l " r fJG/'u",~) ~c" I- cr, ',"" I' {I '_C, , ., 1--1_< , ('