HomeMy WebLinkAbout222203390070 YHr I fll. Ne>. -T----.-.-- - I 2HI NAME of OWNE.Rdlf1) CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE R', $ell. I i?rt PUD I fPD I , 241153 I et ux 3 I I 2/7 277653 _george F. Ziegenfuss et ux Jose S. Arroyo 2 40' A 2 L H' #34767 .~ '/T" 2:r,9,OO8- lQ., Jos S. Arrovo et 1 #35262-4 ~, Jlo..'l1'l. '5~'i() M'u.;...o. Uf-""^ ~, "N ~::f/:::z. ?/ 1 if,,~ la .3 .2 L C. H -, -- . ----. _n__ ..-- -- --- "---- . NUMBER OF ACRES . . -. r.:to..,,, I I VALUATIONS Timb.r I Unimproved Imprond TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.m./lt. B. of E. (BuildinQs) VALUE 15' :2,,ff 2.5?$ 20bSO - ;;?c;t{.cl" 77 37'ji5C 379M 7<; C:S'j:',;'( '1Sc;5IJ 7" 2.7t- 2. 7t ~o 37<;00 37900 g;< "-, II ~ 1a 0 /1.;2700 52 5tc.& '---- Z,4~ zJ/.i! 24go 2-d.&? --., e-- l--- - , --- , ---. ; , i . I LOT BlK. t'. --- _\.~ SEC. TWN. RGE. '. J..;).);;;J. 0 3319!Q a 71 01 , . ' . ',..-, _ ""!!fl.,.~~.' (!r.3 of 31' #146, AP# 3(1947) The E 91' of the W 959' of Govt Lot 4, 2O-22-2W.W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom that portion lying northerly of the southerly right-of-way line of S.R. 106; EXCEPT public roads. Parcel 2: (Tr. 3 of SP #147, A:F# 301948) r[.s",.€ R '7 ~ or- /?/~ . I : T~. E 91' of ~ F 959' of Government Lot 4, 20-22-2'11,'11 .M., EXe TING therefrom that po tion lyins(sou~herly of the,norterly r~ht-of-way tine of S.. 106; EXCEPT public if' I I r ds, ~. , I I I " P9Icel 2: / (Traetf 3 of Short Piat #147-ReV;J.sed) ~c~g at tt-k inter!>~iol1; of th~,/S lie of Gov.tLt 4 20-2?-2W.W.M~" and the !;jline of the W/959',ef sd Govl:;L1='"4' th 1'1 01043'?3"" parallelwi:th tI1e W}.;in-i Cjf sd,J,.t 4, a dfstance of 1;0'3:2' + - to the,.Nly face of the existing.toncret:e 1:iull41€ad and:tl)l'! TPOB: t;R S 8Iilol~'20"W a:trr the Nly face of sd p~92.23': th S 00005'06''~ 62.0:)/ + - to,the Nly r/w Une of S.R. #106: tliN 13043'16"E alg ~/Nly r/w line 92.99' .1iap which ~=s S Q.Jf"'43'23"~frcrn POB: th N 0l"43'23"E 1)1.50' to POB:~~ all': tlJZt laril between the Nly roundary thereof and the line of ordinaJ:y high tire as,!lI'fe sane Inow is or may hereafter be located: EXCEPT public roads, '1.f any. ---~-~._~" - -- -.- -'<. '~'~""","'.~. " --~. ~~-- --.-.~--= f [.,",-_Q ,; /"/ v~. et al Jose S. Arroyo M.D., Custodian for minors: Christopher Sanchez Arroyo 1/3 into Ana Victoria Sanchez Arroyo It It Julian Sanchez Arroyo It It .