HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400160 V... FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :?~p SALE PRICE' Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - c;;:: naSa} ~ M Markland 2 20 T l 2 .1.. 1);,.7'7' 7 71 - I?: 7:< /~-~ 5'1 /,() 1/..r../7J:S- - - - - ~ ~/1{} /) 1..0 / t1'7s's / "A. rl- J.H J 19-,1' J.~_1-u.c l 10. ~# /r~/ /~ U'lA r/., / ';;., ~ ,n }M"'~ . , 'rX A /l ~3 A . /l , c-- .r'{( L?t1~/?.6' .- lfi'tk.wll;~ '71t. 4.' ~.-:L(;;';.: ./) - - - - - - -dJ'.. 7S.9>PO /'/3 J'1(S'i3 )(;ftfQ ,61 iM L 3 2- L !-I .' I- ! .-..----- ~______w~ v Sf! tf43.. "/ If .L .2.. .L .L . - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----. . . ~ ~.---- - . ~ ---_._---- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL O)'lter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S'? /. v~ r", / .:>-",.i ./,,6 ,t. C {/ () 3:J-D .",(.0 .<;''Y 1.0'" ;(f .hh /.712 '10 .3::1 0 .3<:r 0 I :<) 0 .Sf? /. 0 4/.1 la. //,/, ? 7 </0 470 q/o "c .-,.<" 0 61 /: j 1:'; to /,/.,{- ;:!. {; ;J. 3(') ,.3 7 () /00 ~~ 1 . -:!fj '11>" /.c,(, c2.0v- 30 It, O(J /(,36 !../J .3(, AI,)? 1.("(,, ;2. tJ J..- --G- ;L./'JOC) c2Po~ /,o,/3.>t. . I hi? . I r..~' l-c ,%3 /. 0 I /000 IO~O ,:"z. I t, I ~~1!c 13 /.01 jlOi) //0 0 I~?\- .I&'~ ,$3 ~!51 //poi!:J '/i:1t:M ,7....J. It,;; /#0 )1t)O Iu. ~ , t:'J , /S65 V~= 17" I": 1t3% 13/.3(.1 3/.3@ 1'7/ 1_4A",1'l l5"'6a>.,o 71f- I$tr %J I/~Gloe ..">"<.-/,,,,~,,, - L~T BLK. SEC. TWN. RaE. ot p./uJ . /), ~ .. . - , , v . if. '~ " ' . , ~ ~~.~ -,,:01>' ~. l,_~.. 2 e,.. - _ .. ,--- ~ ("''---''-..'1i?'._., 'f:>~-,.. Trs 'i3-14 'of d~vt Lot 4 , That portion of "'ov't lot 4 uec 18 Twp 22ii n2 V{,,}ii ~en at the meander corner cow~on to Sec 18 and 19 Tqp 22M R2wwM hn along the Gov't meander line in said Sec 18 N 87012'40~ E ?95.20' Thn along the W line of Gov't lot 4 in said Sec 18 N 0000'13M W 73.36' Thn along the Sly margin of the Co Ro N 61021'27" E 157.71' Trm on a curve to tr.e left having a r,dius of 498.3' a distance of 52.93' to the NWly corner of the tract herein described and the true pnt of bgn 1hn continuing along the ~ly margin of Co Ro on said curve to the left for a distance of 77.32' Thn N 460 22' 52" E 25.21' hn S 27052'5$- E 338.66' ;hn N 80013'00" IV 126.35' Thn N 27052'58" W 239.48' to the true pnt of bgn together with second class tidelands owned by Pope and Talb~t, Inc. fronting thereon Also: Beg at meander corner common to secs 18 & 19; th along meander line, N 870 12'40" E 295.aO'; th along W line of Lot 4, N 0000'13" W 118.94"0 Nly margin of Co. Rd.; th along lily margin of Co. Rd., N 61021'27" E 135.87'; th on curve to left having a radius of 458.30', 53.493: to S.l1y corner of tract herein desc and I.P.; th continamng along Nly margin of Co. Rd. on curve to left for a distance of 66.30'; th II 46022'52" E 36.48'; th N 27052'58" W 517.81'; th along W line of Lot 4, S 0000'13" E 213.88'; th S 27052'58" E 351.97' to I.P. ~'".....- -, ~- .-.- ~~ JI' __ _ ~ 13-:?? 1-0uJfj!, 1"-W"t,I,< 1lo2.. E( .1\ ..~-~."J I I I I I I I I I y,.. I 0,.." . I -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d Improved Improvements B. of E. lBuildlnQl) VALUE ,Jf(P - n ,71 je -- ' ~3 ,51 IS'S'''O 7'- 5"6- .::<3155 -;1 36':.1""'1 15 53<. 537!'O 11. 1 ~ ~ ..-J ,1.<1 ,27000 10$5'(<; --fo .595 " - ~ ,IY -- I J ? t. 5'<:: ,;;3/5:,,- ,NI< ? ~ co 15S00 - , -. /"t,aOQ .;< ISS-O Jl7.5'Sd ,-- , ., --- , - " I. , -- ~ " ,.-'-