HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400152 V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2- f;.,'.f' SALE PRICEl' Rd. Soh. Porl PUO FPO #14334- - ~ Melvin S. Chadsey et ux S.S.Sherman 2 20 T .l 2 L Jnooo #//5 ?:? a4. V .Q/./ - - ~ #. .- b'211 ..1. Ik~ ./ l,)d)rJ) - - - - - ~Mit:J--&i ';0 d W- I. .d.. .d L II 7! .L ifti 1. 2- ,;2 .L .1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - ~ . . .. .. >0".- .,....,-.-. ...'......~~ .. ----- u ~----- '- -- --- -' - -- - '-- - - , , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r ...' ~ Unlmprovlld Imprond TOTAL Oylter Tlmblr Unimproved Improved Improvemlnts B. 01 E. (Buildings) VALUE a . "J-517 ,50 .S-S- ic) 3 0 . So d. . /0 /() YO .fe.c2 .. "s-'"', .30 ..S'S- -G>- /@o 310 / /foe) ~.b2L ' '1i'7< - .~L .30 .S; /It..-^ S-~S- /b~O 14- II t?5" M:. tJ /P.:15 iJp /I~ €}It:) ;tiZr/."\ .~ ..<o'? 101_/ /S5' ,;Jf)f'tJ ~i:,:/, ~7 /~ //35 atY"7rJ ~ 6 ~;a ,s,=? / t/ ,;2~7tJ. ~t!J - .. 2L 5':s /10 ~7tJ U:7" ZE.. ~ t..!cL 1~'5 2!1- ItJrJ % ~b(jJ() W13 ~;p.g ~- 77 I5'SC;u b9.:~'c ;1:1. 'I3() 2J. ..:J..S R- =? J' :J .<)'c (11)/) ,,'1J (:. .30 55 1~/u0 5Q=;'-;0 '17 Co 15' ,- ,'0 (,930 ,2,;),.'1'30 ~r ~ b <lao 17/36 23130 COT BLK. , - - IEC. TWN. RGE. . .. tl.?- ;l1..1'SlL/io\O!t !S-~ Ji.. ,22 .. " 2 . -~. -- ,,' ~.' Beg at a point on the Sly line of countY~Oa-d known ::"North lhore Road' 442.27' Ely (as measured alonp Sly line of road) of its inter~ection with the W line of Lot 4; th N 46022'52" E alon!" Sly line of :coad 51.94'; th S 27052 '58" E 343.56 t, more or less, to the line of ordinary hi!"h tide 0 of Hood Canal; th Wly along said line of ordinary high tide 53.43', more cr less, to a po',nt S 27052'58" E of poInt of beginning; th N 27052'58" W 348.29', more or less, to I.P. / ,-~"