HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400130 Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2.bF SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - I- <;2 12708f John w. Saffer et ux 2 20 T 2. 2 L .... - - - - - &0 ~2,f26t ,;;t, /J -T' 'L , d t/ti 1 ~ ~ L ;I ~"';,,~ )?.5?> "'171... 3 J5S'IC; (U.Jo J Jd tf?r~ -' j, ,JJiJ 0 ~u/~ 771 .I. " .L. !b;i .3...- 2 ..b J:{ ! b - - - r-- - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ - - - - - - ~, ,~ - - - - - - - - - - ----~-------------------------------------------------- ~ -.>m "lo:! _' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I Vear Driter Tlmb.r UnlmproYld Improved TOTAL Oy.t.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Impro'(ld Improvements B.ofE. (Building.) VALU~ 5.r: ' .3.> p, 1..&..iL / ,->- ,/0 . /0 Si> :3 cri:> /~-O - S1- ,3.s- . /, 5}J( ,J lJ ,I.J...'- - & ,3 ~~ '1-.5' .at'> d 00 I/D "-/ </ cJ /,'7~ ' . /0 5' ',3!> 30 300 //0- ~</CJ . I, r,:J. t~ , It') ,<1S- t 'J 11 1/'.;2~~" ,3/ lit'? .1~ 30 So ,30C) 1 I D '1'lo ;,-<1 /-tP'l~ (!' ,3/ ,/1) /,So 30 So 300 //0 Z/'? 0 <L~'7 169 I,D 9-'9'. ,"/-I 1-50 50 ;;;';200 liD ,;< 3c!O /47k --- ~/l /.09/1 , rz/ /,5'0 ---G'- ~ //D C:U;/ {) /."""7/. 0/ I.orfi, 41 1.57J ;{ <!-.;(o 195 ~&:,I5' /.<I-7.:f. t, d/,:;() ~6 2r:l,ftJJ ~ H':> 3ti~5 4'5tJ' I" .. L?7"?'O 4/5'() 3nc:; ~J g~6J ~ ~~<l() /tJ , ~cJ 6jf;f(} ~J9;j9t1 ?/ // /JtM . /t/""A_ - LOr- r- I - :;2 ;;2,c;;:l1 g.:3tf_C>~J,:~6 SEC. TWH. AGE. - ~~ ". ,. 4 A portions of Gov.'t a Lot 4 Sec 18 TWP 221; R2 ''':Ii}, BGn at tLe Gov't heander il:orner common to Sec H~and 19 Twp 22N",R2 'w\\M Thn along the Gov't meander line in said section 18 N 870 12'4Q" E 295.20' Thn along the W line of Gov't lot 4 in said Sec 18N 0000'13" W73.36' Thn along the Sly margin a the Co Rd r610 28'27" e 157.71' '., Thn gn a curve to the left having a radiua of 498.30' a distance of 130.25' Thn N 460 22' 52" E 250.58' to the NWly corner of the tract herein described and the true pnt of bgn Thn N 460 22'52" E 69.55' Thn S 430 37' 08" E 310.80' Ahn along the shore of Hood Canal S 4P29'20"'Wl16.56' Ihn,N 35021' 20" W 324.10' to the true pnt of bgn together with all tidelands of the second class owned by Pope and Tnlbot, Inc. in front of adjacent to and abutting there on. Also: Beg at meander corner common to secs 18 & 19; th along meander line, N 87012'40" E 295.20'; th along W line of Lot 4, N 0000'13" W 118.94'; th along Nly margin of Co. Rd., N 610al'27" E 135.87'; th on curve to left having a radius of 458.30', 119.79'; th N 46022'52" E 229.28' to SWly corner of tract herein desc & I.P.; th N 46022'52" E 36.96'; th N 27052' 58" W 873.54'; th along W line of Lot 4 S 0000'13" E 76.05'; th S 27052' 58" E 816.33' to I.P. A,_,~~ ~ --~ 1 ~--, ~ ~ ~ ~_ d__~______ ... : I , - - I -tl - - ~........- ~._- --_.---,- -- - - ~ . -- ~- ---- --- ---. --- - -- ---:~:=: ~_:- ~-=---::::;'. __n_ I NUMBER OF ACRES J V ALUA liONS Vear \ Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. IBulldinqs) VALUE fA I %:~':'I!..- ,4/ /.~ //tJa(!J .53~ .I//E!bA 7:l. floot ;(0:;1,0 ~ Z!f- loo 7d :;;l~ad , , ~60'lO 7~ ~~(!J.Oc-) JI'f's;;)tP ~cg 77 9':?-~r .3.-" ,~ t, 7 //5' - "i:J 175 I'CJ'-' r . <1/ '7/", itS' /9139~ /, L/7 J /. .....~, (, If.?-J::C,' 1---- '-" 77 c 0 ~_-=: < (), :0>;;'.';; =" r:,9.?3s- g; J"/)co 0 JJ(,,_~s:,- 0'(.5'7;( 3.0;- L-.. _ -6-~--- , , a ~ tIIH-H