HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400060 V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~!3~? SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I PUD I FPD I ---- -R w. c. Tobler 2 20 T 3 2 L -R 144236 P. D. Griffiths et ux 52 144294 ~5 s. A. Griffiths et ux - '5,OTt-9j 7/7 m!i 8~o8J6 ( ~~;'n fl. fJ, .-t::. 1li..-:1 t/tb2 l:t- 3- 2- i- f! J btxJ !Y&- 583752 to ~ (4w T..) 1/ 9lkn li f1 IfIJj .I 2- ..2. ..L lLL 't- /?/.?~./;:tjl. /?~rAt7/l.'"5~r/.../Y - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ----.~ " ~ ,'" "-""~. --- ==-_....---=_....=_..._'""--_.._-~ I .......-- NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved llmprovemenu B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ..2.L ~ :c. .60 1.60 70 315 385 .5k- :c. .60 1.60 70 315 50 435 52.. 1.'>0 :c. .30 .30 1.60 70 50 300 50 470 4- /, / &:1 ,JtJ ,3;) ///() dO -'761 3(){) - ~d(} /" u/J (iJ, ..1J() 22 1,/ff. t.> - .k,O L.7o --2tJ dO(JO ,;liPS- .,;;;;zd'-;; . .It1.a 1./0':> ,(.,0 1,70 C7 ;;. tJtJ tJ d2.hJ3 ;2.::((,51- I.~/) . ..lai. /./019. ,t, Q ;;'':<00 ~60 /,,,to .I'. /,70 /5'0 ~tP Ol :?,(J cJ a6() ~4f6() ~ ~ ~~ ~f) l:?~?S k ~"J'd gS-~C> MCJ lG 1.50 2L ~ ~~ ,~51!') ~/Sg U- ~c3 1/~tJ l~h4"~ 11- l&?tJ % 1/1t>61&1 ~,fr;J ~ 2Z 3tJ5"tJO 75'1'::; ~'p(J~';- 7'1 /./C4 ,(,,0 1.70 11/'i ~/'') "/OfO i 9f'S1e> I /, 16;t~ LOT- - IL"TC -- ~~ - lEO. TWH. ROE. f;;ic;)~ ( g~!IJ;i5Q_w 01 ~'I.Ri ... T~_.. L Jl. ' - . ~. " sw! of following desc: Beg at Govt meander corner common to sees 18 & 19; th along meander line N 87012'40" E 295.20'; th along W line of Lot 4, N 0000'13" W 73.36'; th along S margin of Co. Rd., N 61021'27" E 157.71'; th on curve to left J:aving a radius of 498.3', 130.25'; th N 46022'52" E 770.13' to NW corner of tract herein desc and I.P.; th continue along S margin of Co. Rd., N 42022'52" E 4.16'; th on a curve to left having a radius of 498.3', 136.85' th N 30038'45" E 26.04'~ th S 48030'19" E 428'; th along the shore of Hood Canal S 24041'30" W 71.43'; th S 57056'30" W 137.20'; th N 43037'08" W 399.70' to LP. Also SW! of following desc. Beg at meander corner common to sees 18 & 19; th along meander line, N 87012'40" E 295.20'; th along W line of Lot 4 N 0000'13"Wl18.94'; th along N margin of Co. Rd, N 6P21'27" E 135.87'; th on curve to left having radius of 558.3',119.79'; th N 46022'52" E 770.13' to SW corner of tract herein desc an:! LP.; th along N margin of Co. Rd., N 46022'52" E 4.16'; th on curve to left having radius of 458.3', 125.86'; th N 30038' 45" E 33.71'; th N 48030'19" w 419.38'; th W; th S 27052'58" E 461.47' to LP. "'or;ae:'ly knc\\'l'l CiS J':i~ Tr 23 and ~W4. Tr 24 of '~ovt :'ot 4 ~'-- - ------ --------.-.---- - - _...._~ j '~1 \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .. NUMBER OF ACRES . - - ~ I. I VALUATIONS Year 1 Oyst., TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst... Timbe, Unimproved I Imprl;lved Improy.menta B. of E. (Build\nQ'~ VALUE Zl 1,'04- r,O ).7D 30 so 0 75'/<<: 38 0 c; s - I-LYQ;'-s, c D -- ~^ - t.~. '1/7 1,;( f SOO 17 7 'IS-- ;<It, :( <f S- f3 JI .{ 11- b 'I,i., l:J.tSoo 15/10 /'1'-/ ;;'Id . . L...L '" - - " - - -'-- f----- -. - - - --- -~-- --- I - ---- ------ ----- ___-0-- -- I~__- ~- u .==1 - ------ - ---- ----- --- ---- ~-- - un ----. - -~ ~- - ~ I - ~ ,,~,_.---- - , -~ ' ' -