HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400050 VU' Fill No. I NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2SP SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. Port PUO!FPD ~ 144296 Ian Aitken et ux 2 20 T -1 ~- ~ Ymf- 19.1tJS7~ ~~ d ~ L ~ .;;( L II it--'/f)/d7 .$L 151/'-1.5""1 I/(J(j7J YI I ift,l I ..1. 2 -.b.. Ii ffS6b 7Y- l!I-A.( /r h A tiC/:., M h" r-d - - - - - - - - - - I. - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - .. ----. co - '" .- .~.. .- - .-"". , -===== , -- NUMBER OF ACRES t V ALUA TIONS Van Ol,ie, Tlmb.r Ul'llmprovtd Improved TOTAL Olll.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improv~ l,mproVlmllnb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 23.. .i.OU :c. 385 Ufr- .60 1.60 70 315 .2..1.. tt :c. .60 1.60 70 315 160 545 ..5.7- :c. .30 .30 1.60 70 50 300 ~ 160 580 d1. ~,-;2, 1- ''$ ,30 ,30 /.70 ;2.0 .!>-o 300 lebO S3{) .2!l /./0/1. . too /, 70 ;20 .;20tJO 7?cJ ;2 790 /,<kJ Y. ~ /: :'fa 'J: . &, 0 I. 70 --<SJ- .2000 nO :J77n Jd 1.,01 .~o S-g5' .;;j7Rs- /, 'In ~ r: /,70 .;)';'00 ~ ~ " - 7..9 ~ 3tJ&'~ f4 .. -:ff/ .:P~ ~&J S~ ~ ~ ~ p,52O:J /jZ?(JJ '73'~ 2L / /J .()(tt1 /fI'7tJ , JL /.d~t1/; ~/?~ 1/~..IJ15 2!L I tJt:) 70 if", CJ<X ~ ~~ 2L d,() bOO S/,f{) ~~~JV 79 /./0.. .&0 /.70 7'f?co ,(P:<6'C. -: I I. 4Q '" 53000 -t..-f)T---- BLK. lEe. TWN. RGE. - r-::r~-:-'/f ~~;.{6rS 05'~ " , . ""'.. ,.._---.. . ~,~ .. >-- ".1 C ~. ormerly known as NE! Tr 24 or Govt Lot 4 and NE~ Tr 23 of Govt Lot 4 NE! of following desc. Beg at meander corner common to see 18 & 19; th along meander line, N 87012'40" E 295.20'; th along W line of Lot 4, N 0000'13" W 73.36'; th along S margin of Co. Rd. N 61021'27" E 157.71'; th on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.3',130.25'; th N 46022'52" E 770.13' to NW corne" of tract herein desc and 1. P.; th continue along S margin of Co. Rd. N 42022'52" E 4.16' ;th on curve to the left having a radius of 498.3', 136.85'; th N 30038'45" E 26.04'; th S 48030'19" E 428'; th along shore of Hoods Canal, S 24041'~0" W 71.43'; th S 57056'30" W 137.20'; th N 43037'08" W 399.70' to I.P. Also the NEb of following desc. Beg at meander corner common to sees 18 & 19; th along meander line, N 87012'40" E 295.20'; th along W line of Lot 4, N $000'13" W 118.94'; th along N margin of Co. Rd., N 6P21'27" E 135.87'; th on curve to the left having a radius of 458.3', 119.79'; th N 46022'52" E 770.13' to SW corner of tract herein desc and I.P.j th along N margin of Co. Rd., N 46022'52" E 4.16'; th on curve to left having a radius of 458.3', 125.86'; th N 30038'45" E 33.71'; th N 48030'19" W 419.38'; th Wj th S 2J052'58" E 461.47' to 1.P. ~;..'- -~ e! ., l// v{(' ' -"": '. -r--,-:' .(!/J [--/ , / /) (, ~ C ~,_ I, ~JJ': t/'7 , .', '---:- " /' '. I '/ f /-l ~/'-- " f' , /, . ' I I I I I I I I I ~--- . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .-.- Ye.,r I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oyst., Timb.r Unimproved I Improved Impro....m.nts I B. 01 E. (Bulldin<~~1 VALUE Zt. lIo ~ , ~() /.70 .;(()SiJ 0 ....L:!LP if!.. =--- S"I!? 0 dsr..80 g~ /,;j,S'SM /IS9S l<ltJtJ 9S- - . - --- ----- -- - - -- -~-- --- -- I --~----- ---- _.~-- ---- f-- 1___- - I---- - ~===l -- ~._- ----~- - - r-~ __n 1----- 1----- - ---- - --.-- - - 1----- ---- L