HomeMy WebLinkAbout222183400030 V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;Z;;.~ 7 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRiCe ~2 189q66 V. R. Davis <!>-3 1'/-9t) 1.'>' d P /, ,~, .#, j.~ J"" /$$04').- /J ~': C q ~ / 'P. .!::: ;~ ,0;' Ik"lIL I P'7d.I7;, / . / ~// Ik'l., ok . ~ t.,/ Jf''1Y3'7 ,4./ ,., "JAA' J?r / .;;..:'. f- /- () r;ro II /' '''''= ~ 15-5.).5/"") , fYA L L ,-#-/V/(fD, (),--....., -- 4.:.::7' 2 20 T 3-~ L .;> ~:L.d..dL~ ___ s p .cu...- '"3""3 -+"1 Mt- ibv"/I - lIP.$- /;>'00 I~,,}on ,,;( ~2~ d. L II )(/ L '-In "< 13 .;z I- (/ ~ 9<;/S'9J> -5/0000 tUb ~---~-----~~-~-------~--------~---------_:~:_~-~_:_------------~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,".",' .,~~. - -...-- <, Year Oylter 5;2. lG"'7 I,,~ Ib I~ 1'7/ 17# 77 74< 7? ~/). - Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ;i/I! 4-cJ ~O 5CJ 96 '10 //1) //,lJ ,.,(/..:J/') 1..;;r~421 ~tJ& 6@(J /~t!XJ V~G /'1 q I) IL/9() Co 7CO ?, /Cv /i/ cO /</96 . ..i /0 /6 / L/c:, /1/(, 1,:/'1 /4(, /. -f(b ! t/'l I ...., =-.-0. C2= / /<:1< b ~ /. t, ,"; l,iN C c LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ,''i. ....~ . , . ~. . " G;i~~~W.id~ ~ i. oj known as Tr .c~""- ~--r-. ~._.- That portion of the N 100' of Gov't lot 4 Sec18 Twp22N rl2 ~wM Bgn at the Gov't meander COrner common to Sec 18and 19 Twp22N R2 WWM Thn along the Gov't meander line in said S~18 N 87012'40u E 295.20' hn along the W line of Gov't lot 4 in said Sec 18 N 0000,'"13" .. 118.94' Thn along t)-e tHy margin of the Co ho N 61" 21' 27" .I:. 135.87' Thn on a curve to the left having a radius of 458.3' a distance of 119.79' Thn N46022'52" E 774.29' Thn on a curve to the le~t having a radius of 458,3' a distance of 125.86" Thn " 30038'45" .I:. 356.69' to the SEly corner of the tract herein described and the tnue pnt of bgn Thn continuing along the Nly margin of Co Ro N 37057'54" E 131;34' Thn along the N 11ne of Gow't lot 4 S 89039'54" W 1046.70' Thn S 27052' 58" E 110.22' Thn '" 914.33' to the true pnt of bgn reserving Nly 30' there of an easement for road purposes except portion of Tract 2 of Govt Lots 3 & 4 Alsp that portion of following desc. which lies W of the W line of Tract 2 of Govt Lots 3 & 4. Beg at a point on S line of Lot 3 which is N 89039'54" E 917.09' from SW corner of Lot 1; th N 15'; th N 89039'54" E 211.69' to the N margin of Co. Rd.; th S along N margin of Gol Rd., 19.01' to an iron post on the line between Lots 3 ' 4; th S 89039'54" W 200' to point of beg. -- -- _. ..-- --- ---~- ~- -~ - ".. ~~~----~--~-.~: