HomeMy WebLinkAbout222181400060 v.... FII. No. ~ 144453 ~ 144692 57 167322 57 167320 ~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS d? ~ :! Rd. ~~~II~__ L--2Q. '1' " 2_-.1.._ SALE PRICE: Alvin K. Klot z C. E. Ryan et ux Harry W. Kegel and Robt.Bhepple Harrv W. KeiTel et ux -:.;;: T/)ZJ et ux ------ ') 1Ql..L:..d..2 L;I Jlf / tJff.o1L..3 ,)....b. JL --~- ------- ----c-- -- - I ! 'I 'I 'I 'I 'I " . ___~__ __________ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ ______. ~__ _ _______________ _ ____________.0_ __-. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r OJI..r _I Tim'" ~.C. 40 30 30 30 --e- Unlmpro...ed Tlmb., Unlmpro...ed I Impro....d !Impro....menu B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE Impro...ed TOTAL O)'lt.r ..2..L .5L 1. 99 5-8 1.60 .C. 2l- $ ..iLQ. / ~ ~ ' I" 4i' U /'&:,O /." "--6. t6 Vi Ji. ~ ~ 73 /.%'f.ii\..;.. I LOT BlK. lEe. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.90 1.90 100 100 100 140 165 ,20 ')1') /;?.oo .J,,)/' /5"5'(") //00 ;');2.0 /<7~o 1/171) ,':]>0 /J/?--o //00 .;<tf'0 /3,f'o //tJ(cJ ~/~ /b7o /3;/5' 6/~ /~tJ /~~ 5/~~39() tJI":::1f; se:l5 ;:27~t!) $750 /6.5ZJ I~q 00 /tJat:JtJ //~ //6.f0 /,oatl{) a29do /..2//'tJo I //3dp ,;p~Ci> V,$7oo ..J TC ' /. 90 j, '70 I. 90 I. '10 ~ !~~1d ,,?~O.;fsa TWH. RGE. t ~ .. l;4~/,8.J,l,{()i~ 'I'ractt 6 of GOyy_J,.nt ] &. ~nl1..* L. ' ~,' ~ . . .. ? 995' except E 25' of Govt Lot 1 & Tidelands. Fo.,....,..,.,grl~r lcnr"'l~'m ~~ 'Pp 5 ~f ~o~t LvL : t:1()..' ?5t~ C.F. 10953 A tract of land in Goverruoent Lot 1, Section 13, T. 22N., R.2Y, W.M., ~ore particularly described as fol101"S: Corvnencing at the northt,est corner of said Government Lot 1; thence N. 89029' 13" E. along the north line thereof 870.00 feet; thence S. 0012'06" E. along a line ,ffiich is parallel ,v.lth the west line of said Government Lot I, a distance of 876.05 feet to a concrete T'lonument; thence S. 10031'18" 1l. 69.55 feet to a concrete Monument on the approximate centerline of the North Shore County Road as it now exists on the ground and THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S. 0010" E. 25.47 feet to the northeast corner 0 an existing concrete ,m.ll;thence continue S. 0017'10" E. along the easterly fact of said wall 46.24 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence continue S. 0017'10"E. 6~.17 feetto the balanced government meander line of said Section 18; thence N. 720 12'40" E. along. said meander line 13.37 feet; thence leave said meanderline and run N.oo12'06" W. 133.0 feet more or less to the existing centerline of said County Road; thencp southwesterly along said centerline13.0 feet more or less to the true point of begitining. EXCEPTING therefrOM, howuver, right of ,JaY for County Road. ALSO, all tidelands of the second class, as defined by Chapter 255 of the Session 18"s of 1927, formerly owned by the State of Washington,. situate in front of ,adjacent to or abutting upon the abovedescrebed tract. The above-mentioned concrete T'lonuments being more particularly concrete pope filled with concrete with a copper center point. situate in Mason County. Washington described as a 5" (a.D.) All said property ..= ~ ~'. -,-. ~'Ex. Tax 1314-A I I I I I """ I ~ . . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .~ v.", Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyuer Timb.r Unimproved Improved Itnl:o..m,nts B. of E. ( 1,Ilidln~l) VALUE ,~ ~.g> .tl. SO I .....% ~60'& 4IJ'~ ~"?f/od, 79 / -->:-,?,;? (. </S/"'~ .:it: "'.:c? ( /.ILj'; J) <L.I(_~ I(;;)~ -J'1 C-o /56:; c 4 "'~ (', ~,., :d () Cl ~. :-U .:l.se ff'l&''::-o /;J" Cs-s 77;;'''5- ., P' If"., ::-, ~LI6S- 6{1110 I:;. 5"'5"S- 7.;1 ~&'.s- " ,~ , , ; ~ , -. .~ ....'- "" , ~ -'-