HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172390170 ... ""III Yea; 1 -File No -r---- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;':58 SALE PRICE Rd, $ch.IP.,rt PUD 1 fPD I I 1/77 _Gene T. & J?C011e1ine F. Strad 40' I ~~,)56 323228 r 2 T 2 L H 84000 1%0 tlliJQ __ ' -,;;r;) a J. Yk,.~ .A~c , ~ 1-< "1'7 ;r J 'tJ5;'5'- -Eo ... f .S'dt:)01;....,IIJf'D Iftl_ 5.":;01 I L 1_"" J 1, %/ 1/43 1"/ fI :t!. - ~'<:!) Iatif- j,i '7J1/l.RSM';_ <I "'-<< tE-e./ ~tJ " " / 3 .;z L .. SA, , ---.-. f------- -- - r---' , ' .. -- ....0. ,"'.- .. - ,. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yur O,5tef Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... Timb.r Unimproved Impro....d Improvements B. of E. (BuildinQ5) VALUE Jtl - ': 1.52LC ,../7 .rJ.l /CMrln 79670 3I1i/TC 1~ 141.fJo ~tJJ'.tI5 45515 79 "'':< '-.;l, c;- 51t, Llo 1,:)4ats 1i - (2,6. ';>.;la.3/~ 305",/'=' S-307S ~ " S'l.:<So '71/.7':;- I'? 79.;lC' --- r- - --- .. ,- ---- i LOT BLK. . -. ":L J '1 Q.. '2, 9. Q I , 7lJj SEC. TWN. aGE. . ' ,22, ,2 j i' '. . ~~~J.7,,~_.~Jto,;.A"~ _",.,~I. - - ,.',. . ...;,o..____-...._..~ ,~.~ +.-.~~ 'f..~"'-,"f"'''!t Parcell: (Tract B of Short Plat #244, AF# 318229) AI' that ptn of Govt Lt 4, 17-22-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the meander corner common to Sections 17 & 18; thence along the W I ine of sd Section 17 N 00 14' 54" W 18.69' to the Sly margin of the Co. Rd; th along sd Sly margin N 850 21' 42" E 115.91 '; th S 880 56' 41" E 190.58' to the NWly corner of tr herein described & TPOB; th continuing alg the Sly margin of Co Rd S 88056' 41" E 187.44'; th S 82044' 07" E 146.19'; th on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.3' a distance of 17.69'; th S I I I .57'; th N 830 14' 57" W 352.45'; th N 94' + - to TPOB; EXCEPTING THEREFROM W 150', and also the E 100'; TGW al I tll of the 2nd cl defined by Chapter 255 of the Session Laws of 1927, as conveyed t by the State of Washington by deed dated 5-21-29 and recorded in Vol. 52 of Deeds, pg 339, extending to the I ine of mean low tide only, if 0 adj S to or abutting upon and lying between the W I ine and the E I ines of the heretofore described upland projected South. Parcel 2: (Tract E of Short Plat #330, AF# 333486) AI I that ptn of the fol lowing described tr which I ies between the Ely & Wly 1 ines of Tr B, Short Plat #244, extended Nly and S of a line 100' Nly of and paral lei to the N I ine of Co. Rd as shown on sd Short Plat: Beginning at the meander corner common to Sections 17 & 18-22-2W.W.M., and proceeding th alg the W I ine of Sd Section 17, N 00 14' 54" W 58.79' to the Nly margin of the Co. Rd; th alg sd Nly margin of sd co. rd N 850 21' 42" EI14.84'; th S 880 56' 41" E 191.85' to the SWly corner of sd tr and TPOB; th continuing alg the sd Nly margin of the co. rd S 880 56' 41" E 190.34'; th S 820 44' 07" E 148.35'; th on a curve to the left having a radius of 458.3' a distance of 12.60'; th N 417.92'; th W 350'; th S 394.24' + - to TPOB. ~ ','.'~ <~ -.. .-...- ~ e.2'j" -_.....-~ , ~__(;r '_./ _~_-----f---'-'~ 711 ~ ./ I --,