HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172300140 File No. I I OISTRICTS - ~ L NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO -~ - ~ ---.!.-- SALE f~,,_1.. , e ~ Rd, : Soh, '0" PUD: FeD I j: 1f7tn:'5-- William J. Stremel et ux 2 03 'I 3 '-~i-I!+--- $2~OOO _ ,_ . b JJ~< _ _ if! 1-'I1l TY :"'-LLj1l~_ ,.:"", f(, l3M~~~~u~~~~===-- =i-- -T-' ~---L-: ~q~~7~~o_ , I I I 1----------------- ------------------. ---'---- - ---------j- ' ~_ i_ ----'---l-=F~--- ______n ----,--I-[---n- Tn -----+-~-I- _n_ ---- , +__,-.J...J_I_.______ I I I j ---------~-.---~---- ----- -; ----------l---;------'------ ------------ - i ---!------:--~-.--1---- ._________ -i ! ! -, -----e'?! ~..,...., I -----~_.-~,---. --,,-~, "-..,:,.__~.~_,._..:.:.o.::~.--~--. I NUMBER OF ACRES I ' VAlUATiONS --.. -' -----.. - --..--.---- -.--,----, - -.._-- Y 0 T' b 'u . d i I d I TOTAL lOt 'I l' b I" ' d' I d - Imprc.-emenh B. of E. ear r~ter! 1m er: n:ffiFove ! mp,ove ; ___J___~~_. 1m er v;olmprOVe, rnprove : (Buildings) VALUE_ II . ~ I i;J Iii I ''&.5' ,t:? ,Jlr..,r 4'~-L=- -~*<"'/I~=-::" -= - t};z;:i~I~~ f'a~-~--- _n_ n_________ _.. ~=--~~-~a 2~___ 74---~-- __n______n ___ _i______ ...._____pt:l~t2~2~- /(2~B.cL '7-2.' I _____J____ _ ______n.I__ __ ___l5rA~;_~2La.. LL'1~CJ t!f.. I _____ ____u_____.A..:.:~~- ,------![~!1!E_f'~<@ ~~ ---- , _n __n__ ,__ ------------n-VElSL1t:l,," I.P. '?..3~' 3 1.;2;, 3Q__ ~7t/ _~__,_ _,~L 1.,--____'_n_________j3Q];;;(L3:d1J'{!~3_KiQ. I I. . .n___'_____ J --~~-+-- -'----I~;:~.Qi_;~;;'~~/:<<~;: ~ ___n____+___, 11--------- _ ____1___ ,+- i , --~-- -r~~~-~-==--= I __ J____-j__,.. ___j____I____ --,- '~-H--~-_. __~_~---I~.. , , ---r--- --1--1 WT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE, :Zdj;2-'~' ,- 'J/,O! . I "7, J OQLLT._ ~. -,. '."" Commencing at the meander corner common to sections 17 & 18 and proceeding thence the W line of section 17 N 0 14'54" W 18.69', more or less, to the Sly margin of county road; thence along Sly margin of county road N 85 21'42" E 115.91'; taence S 88 56'41" E 378.02'; thence S 82 44'07" E 146.19'; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.3', a distance of 195.94'; thence N 74 44'03" E 76.04' to NWly corner of tract herein described and I.P.; thence continuing along Sly rrargin of county road, N 74 44'03" E 51.83'; thence S 196.27', more or less, to meander line; thence N 8314'57" W, along meander line 50.35'; thence N 176.70', more or less, to LP. ,..",.".A......... ;'~rl~~~. . - ~ .".. -.....-;-_!-' ..;-,,-,:~~-.. . .~--.,----~ __.c.....;,c.,," .. . . ,...#.;~,:-~~~