HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172300130 " DISTRICTS :7 ~' )J Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Soh. Port puolFPD SALE PRICE' Rd. -R. B~~1t Rav 6hamolin et UX L 3Q. .L -1. ~- ...1. ~ 163347 William P. Cammen~a et ux ~ id'if~i _.JJ d/ ;:; '7'C; ( v..fi,J!~/./f" A ;;? Vo3 T ..d. ..2. L .f!.. i<?:. 'J:t ,Ifdr2-- ;;?'l .50 (') 11d/7-<?f.. "- (] /) .h ...,,- ..4, q; ~ /!;S~~ ", / "-/96 y: f):3 , //)j~~h~ 'pfh A / / ,oJ A_L f!J I i.{d ? I .3 .s2... L If n. I-?,i,./'",,'f JiL [?ti~Jo ~cJZW 0 (Lu~11n{ <..A ~ b76;",.;'1;:'!,,~ . 'I.)~ '( k 9'59'f/:( Ir IYm..t.4. ""P. lLe.AA lllh '1 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - , - - - - - '^ . . . '. .., .., .~~.---- -~- - - ., NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS V..r Oyster Timber UnlmllrovlKl Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I",proved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE .2L .77 .77 210 150 360 li. .77 .77 210 220 430 .5..7- 66 L c. .77 .52 1.29 40 160 150 220 570 ~ /./../"Y (J /":).'1 /';;,'1 //0 /ato d;2o /3 ria .fLt2.. /.1.;:'-/ ~ Ii ,J/I 1,;27' -=- /0 go ::2-?-0 f~OO M /. c.t.;fI. . I.,,) '1 J,;;J../ /0,,[0 30w /</-0 0 ~ :1..;-$ /g5c; --9'~ /-?.6'0 ~ .. ";?"'.-?S'" #"tJIJ ~~ n... .b,t ~/ ..M-f- /'~1 /~~ 41.,0 :;~o ~ /, t,ih% 'J .1.;1 '1 /,';/9 ~ ~.1u.34l , 39 tJift ,;?JPo .5" tPP 0> 2/-:- 5'0 ? /J YtPa --- 2L .so 1 tJ 1/ sO 6..;2t/iJ PI- PtU% IrtiliS'o ~d'oo / ~t/.R() 77 1st=< 0 :3 '1.30 /Yf':SO 71 /-<;}9 /.. It? ':?Li'lI" /j 6p7o.IJd70 LM BUt I au. TWN. ;2~E.( 7 ~30 0/30 , , ,-,,"", , ..., .. . me rly blown as Trs :2 &.7 ''Of Govt tot 4 also Tr 1 of Lot 4 Beg at meander corner common to secs 17 &. 18; proceeding th along W line of sec 17, N 00,14'54" w 18.69' to Sly margin of Co. Rd.; th along Sly margin N 85021'42" E 56.29' to NWly corner of tract herein desc and I.P.; th N 850 21'42" E 50.17'; th S 73.07'; th N 83014'57" W 24.70'; th N 620l4'57".W 24.70 th N 62014'57" W 28.74'; th N 52.72' to I.P. Also: Beg at meander corner corr~on to secs 17 &. 18; th along W line of sec 17, N 0014'54" 5a.79' to Nly margin of Co. Rd.; th along Nly margin, N 85021'42" E 56.46' to SWly corner of tract herein desc and I.P.; th N 85021'42" E 50.17'; th N 391.37'; th W 50'; th S 395.43' to I.P. Also Tax I-A which is tidelands lying in front of above descriptions: Also: Beg at meander comnon to secs 17 &. 18; th along W line of sec 17, W 18.69'; th along Sly margin of Co. Rd., N 85021'42" E 31.29' to of tract herein desc and I.P.; th N 85021'42" E 25'; t~ S 52.72'; meander line N 62014'57" W 28.16'; th N 37.59' to I.P. Also: Beg at corner common to secs 17 &. 18; th along W line of sec 17, N Vi 58.79'; th along N margin of Co. Rd., N 85021'42" E 31.46' to Si\ tract herein deec & I.P.; th N 85021'42" E 25'; th N 395.43'; th W th S 397.46' to I.P. Alsp: Beg at meander corner common to secs 17 & 18; th along W line of sec 17, N 0014'54" Iv 18.69'; th along Sly margin of Co. Rd., N 85~2l'42" E 31.29'; th S 37.57'; th along fueander line N g20l4'57" W 38.38' to I.P.; Also: Beg at meander corner common to secs 17 &. 18; th along V line of sec 17, N 0014'54" IV 58.79' to N margin of' Co. Rd. &. SW corner of tract as LP.;_ i'll' .'{~'ylj~~~.r~j,Rl~~t~'f~~"o~_~~~2#;2~ ~-01tf~~-E~t1igT)f~'~?~~";-. Tax l-E Tidelands of 2nd class in front of Lot 4 as follows: Beg at meander -corner common to secs 17 &. 18; th along corrected U. S. meander line, S 62014'57" E 63' &. bounded by lines running due S to extreme low tide, consisting of a tract of tidelands approx~tiately 55.75' wide. "'- C, oku.... Ii- "'351(7 ~,.;.".p ~-'-"'J~ ~ '7/n/.c 0 k:;J;,-';1' Ce. , .1L i-f -:z....., /.) _U/ A'v..J I -.;(('1 (, 35' A/1Io.1A;;) ~...6-Au~ - ~ <--U\ P- /oo.UUlv,f--c.J \>-<A 1.\ # "'-l"(,,3bl!-1' r- _ r ~ />...,2;:- l/. ,/" J.~,.. S'u~ Jw..v ~ J'f 00P7 "co v.v-<--- 7 ,o"",-+<,, ~ (l v ---~ ()" - ,.-' N 0014'54" NW corner th along m 0014'54" corner of 24.92' ; I I I I I I I I I ~"" . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .-......-.- Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyd.r Timb,r Unimproved Impr:)ved Improvements I 8. of E. (BlIHdlnQI) VALUE -74 / ,,? 9 -.',/ (/0 / St.;) 0 =, ..~ . I?~;:; 0 --,-- ---,- . , .12: 575M. (,5'1 (, 6 <I CJ </{J t - --- ---- - - - --- -.-- ,..----- .. - I - 1------- ------.. --- ---- -- 1__- -- ---- f-- -~ I -- ---- ----- ---, -- --- --- - >--, u_ 1------ r' --._-- - ---- ---- - ,- ----- , ,