HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172300070 File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .%-,;,71 SALE PRiCe T.., Rd, So', Port PUO FPO - - - - - - <;2 1')4187 S. O. Ness et ux 2 20 ~ ...3... 2 L - /,,~ L.?2 ~.<//. <;Z\?'" .R'. _ -,9- .fY. J .I{ /117 , 2- ial .I.... ....2 d L Li , J,h, :; f1r W- I. 2 fL r/...l-OG .L ..2 L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. " ~ .- CC NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 5'2 ?~ t3 .;2~ f ~o ,t ?lJ J3 .1,3 .b3 :::z 13 13 370 .S7t"J c?! ,63 cC,3 .?ClO 37c <70 . 52J /cJCI 370 M?o t,/ ,~3 . G..3 700 (,~b /3;;;S' it, b>~ hs' f6?S' /~h /Y I&;7 I~ p~ .t:h3S 1'7" ~ Ii'~ iilff4~ /.5"tcJ ' -:lObO 1/ . $>2Ptf}(!) $,613 6$fdtJ 1Z<i! tfM~d NJt!J 7?.3.a 11 (~ ~~ I e1!Oa:;} SZ~ )Jsbt:t:J 77 - P5Co /o..::?'k If 7}'O 7Cf r&~ ,:,' -, 310 /7'1/(~, 51./5;"':, n ~ P./~ 31, 7"0 I ;Z ;!!::'J H70C>!"1 7':; I 8s(~( , '(.! / JO;;;;' YO /3."'/0 / , LOT BlK. , 7;$ oqc,1 Q, SEC. TWN, ROE. .;';;1/ .. . ':- "",,"'c~,,., . , . .~. . - . ;. ,r.><"" , -"'-'.... ~, Lot 11), Bleck 1 "'.nd Lot 10, ~lock 2 - '1hoofly Beach Tra.ots, unrecorte1, more particularly described as follows: A portion of Govt. Lot 4, Sec 17, Twp ZZ N, R Z wm~ lying S of Co Rd described a.s follows: Begin. at the Meander corner common to Sees. 17 & 18 Twp 22, N R2 WWM and proceed thence along the W line of said Seo 17, N 0.14 54" W 18.69 ft. to Sly margin of County Road; thence along >laid Sly margin N 85.21' 42" E 115.91 ft; Thence S 88"56' 41" E 378.02 ft; Thence S 82~44' 07" E 146.19 ft; Thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 498.3 ft; a distance of 168.53 feet to the Nw1y corner of the tract herein described and the true pOint of beginningi Thence continuing on said curve to left, a dist of 27.41 ft; Thence N 74 44' 03" E Z4.21 ft; Thence S 157.13 ft; Thence N 83014' 57" W 50.35 ft; Thence N 138.35 ft to the true pOint of beginning, and also A portion of Govt. Lot 4, Sec 17, Twp 22 N, R Z WWM, lying N of Co. Rd., described as follows: Beginning at Meander corner common to Sees 17 & 18 Tw~ 22 N, R2 W~~ and proceeding thence along the W line of said See 17, NU141 54" W 58.79 ft to the N1y margin of Co. Rd; Theme along said N1y margin N 85021' 42" E 114.84 ft; Thence S 88' 56' 41" E 38Z.19 ft; Thence S 8Z' 44' 07" East 148.35 ft; Thence on a curve to the left having radius of 458.3 ft; a diet. of 163.61 ft to the SW1y corner of the tract herein described and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing onsaid curve tc the left, a dist of 16.61 ft; Thenoe N 74 44' 03" E 35.13 ft; Thence N 394.~ 76 ft; Thence W 50.0 ft; Thence S 408.09 ft to the true pOint of beg. Formerly known as Tr 9 of Govt Lot 4 I ~ j I I I I I L I i I . -. - NUMBER OF ACRES I --1- VALUATIONS reu Order Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limber Unimproved Improved lmprov.menh B. of E. (aulldinQ~1 VALUE f?,;l. 1--, , 63 ,{,3 "35"00 .;/;J.3/o t-.5'g/D - - 1---- .. 1- ---- --.- - -- I -- '------ f---- n__ --- ----- /,-- -- -- -.-- ------ '--- ---- ----- ---- - ----- .. - ---- I I , -, , -