HomeMy WebLinkAbout222172100060 Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS dJ ","( ,--. Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD I SALE PRICE 68 231297 Harold Ford ~ fl, .,,...1/7 " , ,I " I ",/TV " /11 33:<9'1;> IJt/uJ 1I,#rU'~ IV~ ll-U"'--- P.Halvorsen 211.0' T 1 2 LH il LII/"1.'I ( .-; .2 I L .:fL U/~/1 $1,000__ -~ ________1 ,,~a ---- ---. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yoar I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved jlmprovements I (Buildings) qOt) 11'tM S'fJIMJ / &tJtXP /9 ?/J() 4'J? )~,) J"l tti 6 /t!JScJO B. of E. VALUE 9~ttJ- ./ If ttf'r!J ;! &tJtJ 1<h-()dO /97~{) ,/., n Il.~ "';?,~,, 1 11/ I'1LJ 77 ~/O '/7 "'- 17 1,;),1 <<'", 77 tL ~ ./:<;;2., ~, 'T/A I' J\ Yti % I CS- d::J. c.. c /7700 It? 3$"00 ,,- ~ l ~ 7;j/{)QO,~Q, : .,4. A".n. ~ t... ... lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. -~._--, ...-".~-.,.,-~.~_.- Commencing at the section corner common to sections 17 & 18; thence S 0014'54" E 18.69' to meander corner; thence along the meander line in section 17, S 62"14'57" E 92.04'; thence S 83014'57" E 964.16'; thence N 59"15'03" E 682.73' to 1.1'.; thence S 30044'57" E to line of extreme low tide; thence NEly, along line of extreme low tide to an intersection with a line bearing S 30"44'57" E from a point on said meander line N 59015'03" E 80' from 1.P.; thence N 3if'44'57" W to Sly R/W line of county road; thence S..lly, along Le Sly R/W line of county road, to a poiLnt thereon N 30044' 57" W of 1.P.; thence S 3Cf'44'57" E to 1.P. ...'" -.-. . '.j,,;-";:;"~ jF--"",,-=~~ .'