HomeMy WebLinkAbout222171100030 V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :25 :7 #-SALE PRICE" Rd, Boh. Port PUD FPD t,7Y:L - - ----22... 158206 Gordon M. Erickson et ux Chester 2 20 T '\ 2 L _$2750 UelVlent -2 - - -51L 17'3167 HAzel Rhodes It i--- - - - - - m: .1.o1~~2J (!-ft ~ -P;A-'" .'E JY.-'Z-?4< e ..L - - 25'1/11. Ii J }1;wtn: .;? ~3 L .3... ..d2 L f/ ~'" "'''::<''~E 000 ~ 30 71Cf/" av-L>>u j jV/wj~ .d aj.. PolJ'z) 'gl I ':&l I .3... .2. ..b. Jt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ---=- ---=--=- ~ - - - -\ --- -.~------------------------------ ----- --- -------- ---- - -- ---~---:.;:.._-----:.;-.--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS r." Oytter Timber UnlmproVld Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improvtd Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..5Q.. .75 .75 30 30 ..2l... --1.....i 1 .C. .75 .75 )0 50 80 ~ /2/-" :~, ,7; .7!? .5'0 7(;0 7'/0 -'za. /,~/..:t e. ,7<;"" ,7S -G- 7~c 76() IliL /,6'1 J!f. f7~ ,7.!! 5'"?,D 5'70 k 1.9 ~ ~ .7S 7~ ///" / / ,- ~ ~ S3cJ ;!3/) ~ f'.c...../-> n ~9'7b -~ 7t) i~ fi3~ ~,,/, S"'9;f/O .<<;;' , ZL 9Sd<>? .?s;;;- C> ~ ~.ao> / /- I Jt)/h.< !L / fi",Aj' ;'<r70Y /3st:!J _~ .,.,""" 77 . ;;J'I,;?u(, 3Stc. S'J30Ci , Yl I. <?!:t .75 -tL;" 571:'':<<0 501() 0 /0 7 .7.:?~ - 7f n r .;J,i/~oo 35vL--.~, ~~'i_3X> LOT BLK. \ SEll. TWN, RGE. "~ '; ~, .. ,~ , ,,'l'ra 1;. 3 ,at .Go, " E 95' of following desc.: Com at the NE corner of Govt Lot 1; th S 0014'54" E, along the E line of Lot 1, 264.90'; th S 77045' W 621.04' to I.P.; th continuing S 77045' W 200.l9', more or less, to the E line of W 500' of Lot 1; th S 0014'54" E, parrallel to E line of Lot 1, 345.32', more or less, to the S line of Govt Lot 1; th NEly along said S line of Lot 1 to a point thereon which is S 0014'54" E of I.P.; th N 0014'55" W 267.35', more or less to I.P. and tidelands in front. - Formerly known as E 95' of rr. 1 of Govt Lot 1 \ \ =~ .11><1" , -- ,._-"-..~ -- T T I I 1 1 I I I I - . -~ - ~-- -- - ~ ~- --. ~".. NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr~.,.d Improvem.ntsl 8. of E. (BuiJdinQs) VALUE ~'J- 1.51 ,/!e. I '/S- .7S" I~~...S"D 'if'l750 :J.o7ooo >-'-, ~ ..d~, .... 1"1 --; "/3 I';' c;. ;;; 5'~, /!/r':i'/~ / 'Y' !:' c:< 5' ,Wo..... :/ " - ---- , >--,- - 1- ---- --.- , I 1-----. ---- -- - - ~, -- /,--- -- ---- ----~- --- - ,==1 ---- ----- -- ---- -- --- '- - ------ ,-, , ------ I , I "- - - I I , -~.",j