HomeMy WebLinkAbout222143100290 y-, I",!!'.,~o, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..:? Lf I SALE PRICE ~~;~~~cc #"64""~ <;2 1060<;( Douglas H. Attridge et 111 5j;;; 1.?t/l7,.:J1 ~, il 11, ,,-I-h:,.J.. "2/ 51( H p.c _ II p_ 'r'r1'T7J ~ - ~'-b tl d '" - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - ..--- - - - - -- - ,- - - -- - - - I- - - -- - - - - - - ..-.- - (, I' II II,' ~ ! I I I , , ..,- -- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS - .Yea , Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE 19 .:? 6- t': ;2, sS- ~s YtJO .,;JCJO /035_ ' :> l6'3 3~ !fDO =/7-0 II~G:.. t)q .;:7,5';- c2.5':J' 35 /;<70 ~2- 0 I liP }t;"'_ 1;;1) 1;). 70 ..Q;2. 0_ L6~_ 11./ _ J (.. $i2, ,.-6J<2.I..dILQ_ I&;/ I~ ~ ~tJ6t) I "~d, i _..:2 7;fdJ_ ~ ~ ~~ I ='f,fM i!f;~- ~,g ~- .~ ~~ ,~1P #..r;-p__ ~ V5'atl ~~, d.L.s-~_, 7~ ~~ ~~A 1L- ',A-,C ~~ /O..~~ '}If )'tIlt I~ b2.a.<$(J s;!;1,OCJ ~ Jl57J -'---1------' - 77 ;;(x,fJO J?.'tLtL .:6.Q~~__ l' d. J' 'I 5!~ 7 /J5 50~ /'1 g(,,1/dS3"'~ 111 'g ~"/7{, ,,<(tJO 6 /r{gr.51 rf'!3f;.i, /'r!." "'/ In ~C1- 1/ / I -:>d~ i..t~Qt.51 J/9Jss :I./S' ';',/E' LOT "LX, [i~;4 J Jk.. I n '\ ') I j 1 see, IWN. RGE. ,4, __ ::T.. , .- .- , , . -; -~.;i ~.'-._'-' . .~. ~ ~"~4 ,/7>v 13- W 141.16' of Govt Lot 4 " r!"'/ .!X---.l~ ,,(./--_ ~j-/;AA.A ..-/ c.~__""L.-'~ -7-.--.-,.-._."""'l" ,,-&.,.;; . ." r-r- 1 y,.. \ 0,;;:, ~;mb'~UIB~:m::'~dCRE~mp'O"d 7' I '7 9S~f!Eiij~"';!}5d gz" /}, , / ::; ,~y _1---,-1----'- \ \ TOTAL r 1- Oyster d' /:; ,----- ,--- ,---,-+-, 80. '( VI "-"" ;i) I I I I I V ALUA liONS '. limber Unimproved Impr'Oved Improvements I {Buildin9~1 a. 0 117.1' 8 </ I (J 18922., --17-' /'17000 t. -f^, g'l(.,3o 8, of E. VALUE d-S 3'dS 1.>'115 /"-IliJ/J1:J f{ 'it 30 - I =i- . \---' ~ ____- -1------' I _--4---- --1- ---'-'---'- - -----.-------- ----- DISTRICTS ::z4( Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD I FPD I -, 61', ?12['.61 "' i1 =~:d Conmu -i tv Cl1ul 2 1+0 it '\ 2 L C H .r?l S L I I ~ I .- , ----- . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber i Unimproved Improved TOTAL!I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved /Improvements I B. 0' E. (Buildings) VALUE /& .5'/0 S-~ ~ -=- ~3b );~ " ~7D L~~o! 110 I"': -;p ~tJ ktlM S&,oo i'~ I -"7"'-:' ~ , 'z'"" 1JI'j,n) I~ ") J,7} '-1~ 1--"".5ID ,5,;t;.c A , " 17H .flJ;.-,/ IP IJ~ I/~b> ~ / tf./... .<'" iltf) I/J,n 77 L,/cJtJo {LO/JO 7'1 - -, Lj(}t' /'/(C(,O ' / .. - r- ,I / , , , LOT BLK_ 0 - : ; 0 j ~.._..._, TWN, RGE. . , ,~:,t., ;" ~;;;_..~?2:c_--.,^ , "'''ft_...__..~:_9. f'_..'" ,LA+,.,h.,..t..m.dL..,,<,':, :I.o.l , . . ':--"""-~-:"'~~'IF"-,~.-=<-" . '~. Beginning at the iron pipe !JQ~>king the S,'f corner of Govt Lot 4; thence S 89 45'~,0" E 141.16'; thence]J 2 )8',0" E 7<4.01' to LP.' thence IT 41 2l' E 2,5.67'; thence N 48 <9' W lOa', more or less, to SEly marein of Fuget Sourd IIiw',y ':0. 21' thence rlEly along s:lid 5:':ly m,(r[in ~4', t10re or less; thence :; 2 ~8' ~O" i: parallel ',ri th 'IT line of tract to :']y bonndE.ry of Govt Lot 4 or Govt me2Ylc'er 1 ine c,s case ITay be; tho;ce S'vl:ly 3,lo!1C [,es,nc'er line to r~ corner of trEct; t~'nce S 2 <8'~0" W along W line to a concrete monument on 5'.ny f1[crzin of :Ciw"y ::0. 21, sEicJ L:o'llL':1ent \I"S set by survey of PhiJJip Botch in July, 1959; thence continuing S 2 ,2'~o" ~] 142.90' to LP. ~...' ~ "