HomeMy WebLinkAbout222123390170 See Short Plat #392 Vellr NAME of OWNER File No. 68 Earl D. Lin~oln et ux J%q ~(JJI:iC: ;I. ../ .r r' )...1 JD!-rLn113'1 J?" .. ~ ~.J % J-'/-C44[, 1k'~..7L I :/7R ,4RRRQ fir3 -'//9'17..2 ~ JtJ.v/> U 0,5TOI",5 ,;/ ~/ Rd, 'Sch. Port 'PUD IFPD I I I I ! H.E.Johnson 2 0" A 3 2 L C H d M -.ffL / 'Ir13 II- .J;2.. t t.. If d,lt,u(FrJ, 'I .J-il (/ I Year Oyder ~ '~ 1'1 1;"1 11r; NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved Improved Timber / TOTAL CONTRACT TO .-1 I np=.ELLzab.p+h 'J/ A?) - I I ~~' - . VALUATIONS Oyster Improvements (Buildingl) B. of E. VALUE Timber Unimproved Improved ,~s ~4'.5" lt64~ 77 $ 7~ -;/C; I 4'_-:" I '--/is f'.2 <./s /:/ f-- lOT BUe. SEC. TWN. 06.. , :IL ,c.'" ' ,,n 1/<<)t) /b '$0 31/.5b .3~(JD IIfi t.fJ ~?f'l!cJ '7 (JdO ~S7) ~?,,<:;" 99/.., I ~O /5{$$feJ /9J3~ ..". ~-~ rf-,5<:>O_LS"43q 1'1&30 -G'- -e- -e 1- ,./1/1 '?:,,"50d ~~'.3()~ "-~O(J / 7/"'-11 .;; ;i6~'1"o )! I. < " -':~i'/,-t) L/_:lJ~O , <(5 ~ .' J ',- -y .t.<-' ~ r ~ I 'J (I , '1;:),;/ .5 __'~ ~ I . (.- -' " - () 1/- :"), Lf3t(() ":::310 ID ", ~J,; '//."'/:;' S.3 5"fS- z,iilz.~aqO-r'10 ,'" .' I, '.,', - -'. .' --. '.~' ~. '-r-) ~,_.\ ... ..,./'. "-- Commencing at the SW corner of Covt Lot 4; thence N 00005'19" E, along 'w line J"f section 12, 656.50', more or less, to the SE corner of Tract 2 of unrecorded plat of Sunset '3each Tracts in ,'';ovt :ot 2, Section 11; thence N 30o~'41" 'IV 128', more or less, to Sly ~~rgin of Primary State Highway No. 21 (Na~f Yard Highway); thence N 59005 '19" E, along Sly margin of scCid RjW 30' to 1. P. ; thence continue N 59"05' 19" E, along Sly margin 91.9'; thence S 27020'41" E 181.65,jthence S 45043'41" E 77.31'; thence S 17047'00" '/'l 147.27'; thence S 84040'00" '/'l 103.40'; thence N 00005'19" E 201'; tnence N 30054'41"'/'l136.32', more or less, to LP. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: <Short Plat #392 - Tr 3) Commencing at the SW corner of Govt Lot 4; thence N 00005'19" E, along W line of section 464.80'; thence S 87059'41" E 30' to LP.; thence Nooo05'19" E, parallel with W line of section 129'; thence N 82027'23" E 87.21'; thence N 44016'19" E 49.50'; thence S 45043'41" E 37.31'; thence S 17047'00" W 147.27'; thence S 84040'00" W 103.40', more or less, to I.P. , ~.:;...~.......""....~ - .~:...,..-~ I' .'