HomeMy WebLinkAbout222123300070 Yur Fila No. CONTRACT TO NAME of OWNER -.5lL.172S"? Jeanine l)pnp""1nP'L'" -' ~ , ) tflfJ. IVt-'lJ,q ~tljJo ~Jt, '/-zv) 1(10 '6,11 Y 1c ~7f t-f0t./"A-- '!J7~,~ 'P,.., t'j; ~/?if13;.fjtJgJ. InAYhl,~",./. 7Jl'(lP'h' ;- ~ F>fJl)U .~- ' ,- ___...._ ___.A.=.===_~~...~...~...=__..._____.. -_= ...._~~~_~____'"':'. _,-:- .. NUMBER OF ACRES y", ayahr Tlmbar Unimproved Improvad TOTAL ayahr ~ .50 .50 ~ ~ .c7 ;/~ Zt 7;1~ 9)% , ZR Z!i ~.~ II 2%. .50 , .Cj () 79 ~ .56 .,'70 C 0/ a:J. , ~07 . ~ ~_J () LOT lEe. BLK. TWN. ROE. .. 12 'if'.-,,'-' DISTRICTS ;2 If / Rd. Beh. Port PUO!FPO SALE PRICe; 2...- -4Q.;; -A. -3- 2_ ~ -<;, ,:11 nno lj/ Lifo~ /f~~.LLJ:L~'?'~ ~....",,,,,,,, ~ .;c,"I0).S'J - I- ;ti = Q'IIS'O{)S67,y", ----- ---_....~ -._,.~ VALUATIONS Tlmbar Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE UnImproved Improvad so .;1.00 ;(56 5'00 /67;0 ~e3g'J 3~ ~5(){} /S;/,fo /9'1Rd '1500 / 7tJ7D .:</..5'70 . f? ;).,t;) if/5' 70 '5'0/;< ,,:" 50 .200 .;J~.QP ~f) L.gg) ~/~,. /7C'7() ";;;/'-~~',~'''' I.S~ u) l5'''Ir? 75 ( Yo? 1.5" ~PL~~ '."..'~, '.' "L" . '. ~ .~"",,--<:.~.-: '~__i~,..r~"'<;~"'^'-- known as TrR or Govt Lot 4 1q3 D. F-303 ~at- ~1.."nNBeOftIel"'O:f -'1'T'. -8:--'l'fflt..--s.--64~)-L-.w.., 310ng -t-fie--SE-F/-w of t~g Co. rd. 25 ft. 9. 15036'32~ i. 50 ft.N.6~055' E. 25 ft. to i~torEgg~igR ~itk thg i. ling sf Tp. a; thn. N. 15036'32" ~. 310ns Daicl line 50 ft. to thg ~Gint gf B~~. De~inr.ing at NW cor of S'-l:.d tr:J.c~ l'lhich is I; ,355'; ttza N 74013T .s. 255.50'; tr,n N 53040T E. 310:1:; t~:" Southerly Illarr;in of Navy Yard Hwy. (State a:ad #14, new 921) 5C' or more out, 403' from cor to Secs. 11, 1" 13 14 m"'n ')2 I" D.~" ,,,' 1-' J'" ....."', , , .L.~. ;... ~) -I.~6'- ;::. w.....-I.. Tim, N 61026' E. along; ::::'y line of tr'1ct l.erein c.esc, 103' to IJE cor of sJne; thn S l6042' E. 418.20' to N1y lTl3rgin of Drive 50' wide, thn along said d"^ive ..; 5901'+' " 55' to S'wi cor of said tr::.ctj th:1 ;; ;23017' ':1 !,.13' to pci:1t of 'oeginnin--;, 3JJj ect to Condit i0:15, rostrictio:l9, ex- C'e?:':'~c:1s 3~"l.d res..:rv1.tions c8r~tGinGd i:1 t:-~ ur:L.:jr...,.~ i:l.ctruI;;ent :rcr:~ whi~t private title stems. ~--- ~.