HomeMy WebLinkAbout222121300010 Y..r FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ .t-fl Rd. Soh. Port pue FPO SALE PRICE <;2 1317')] W. o. Watson at ux 2 .lh.2 A l 2 L C C:;/"J5'Y/ /lL..d W,;,p,fT'" k;?~A..l..2,L.c. ~1. /'Ix'/(, I, T j. ,,-#:;. ~ _____ ~._":;:.s-,.'/ 13 Ii,j}! t'l;~u'/,_c/,h/n'n"'c~? l _____ _ h71~AAAM Z;;~ \6Oa,{Y.d: II _ 5~~",~~2a '-%-1~g$,j3t, 'J, , 'a),d,J' '/,L" ./" "t/ IJ ?/f .LifQ.1.ft.~;L .L c. f{ / "'- r w{j . ILl J ~f)" ,.../J o~ "/S'?I(, ~~~~b4 /, ~,' ~C~n. / I . -. -------=------------------------------------------~- ---- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy~tl'~ Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements. 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .22:, ; ~?yb .79" ,JR 4-. .:; .]<<-0 :;L.r:/ ~ (,00 b~ ./, -::1 -/ '7F ,7~ ;;." ~ 0-6 ..2 7"0 5"0 . 57 ) :.fiLl ,,7%' /?~ ..2cJ '-c?- 3GJc) .;? .c/o 5t"o ,/ .5ZJ ,03'fpr -7R ?/ ;20 )030 ;). ~o /;:;;.9r;:) J ?...../d k..iL 'O3~ ,7R ,xl CJ /c3o .;;2.40 /d-7~ /7. v ~ (p, /0.3 0 .;;( 9b" /3;;J,b to, ,3 '1 .3'1 "7/b' ,;('}S- /0/0 , &;j /3ao €:" /300 It,,;; /,f5~o /~ O')f"b I~ ~6%' /c,;?c /J',ff'.5 35/0 I&;1 -=::;'/.5-<' .;(.f~oI~.....:2' I ~ "3/1- :5~ /f;J... "~~,, ~d$2lls"'cb 90 //110 ~ "" iil'...I.(' 1:;1~ .. ~1"5!!J .J1'.3/S ;!1f~ 1.2.. !1J f) A.,/,C' /~Sl:J i?3/5 ,~451"5 11/ (~oJ% GJ96Cd I{,~CJ 41//30 LOT~- -- -OLK. ~ lOII()1 ~ ! I ~, SEO~ TWM. RGE. --'~.'_..., ',- .. m, J A,T .. -",- ,'..' I" ... "" ~~~ '- Bgn at a pt 134.4 ft S from meander corner to fractional sections 11 and 12 Twp 22 N, R2 WWliJ, wh ich is the l~iVly margin of the liavy Yard Hy. (State Rd. No. 14) ; .., ' Thn N 590 E 158.3 ft. to an iron post on sald margln of sald Hy. Thn N 380 w 93.4 ft; Thn N 420 W to line of extreme low tide; Thn along line of extreme low tide SWly to a pt which is N 340 40' W from NE corner of the Culvert header of the culvert through which Holyoke Creek flows into Hood Canal; Thn S 340 40' E to line of high tide; Thn following same course 10.4 ft; Thn N 590 E 12.6 ft, more or less to pt of bgn. New description for Tract 1 except Tract I-A: Beg at a point N 88 27' W 41.66' from meander corner to sections 11 & 12; th S 66 22' E 167.45' to Nly line of State Highway No. 21; th N 58 49' E along Nly line of highway 66'; th N 53 01' W 207.26T to most Nly corner of existing concrete sea wall located on premises (said point being N 25 47' E 101.87' from I.P. of this description); th N 40 W to line of extreme low tide of Hood Canal; th Wly along said line of extreme low tide to a point N 35 30' W from I.P.; th S 35 30' E to LP. :-..- --,-'...._.~---~_.-- ~ .,._.~~ *Ex. Tr. l-Af1L. ( . -"..- '"' Y.., I 0,,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd., Timb.r Unlmprov.d Improved Irnpro"'.m.nh 8. of E. (BlIildln9t) VALUe 77 ;>H ,30 , '/;) 3/500 ..;)-' (1'10 S.:<L)'f[) /, 0 t,.1-: 19 ~/Koc, ,;..,;fl'fo .55/" <If) 19 95'7.'",: 4;) 7/) C I 3X ':/ S'C 7" .034- ,39 .'/2.- , 3/St'C dI'/-J'/O 5St,</O , ? /. ,,- , , :~) /,'/ ?"O() 53 '150 1'17'150 '~ ...- - -- -- -- -- , .. , , - , , - L - ,,' 0