HomeMy WebLinkAbout222121100050 File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRh...TS ,;I,/-(O SALE PRiCe Year Rd, iSch. Port PUD IFPD I -'- , , I J,~) , I 68 236657 Albert c. Eddy 2 40 A 312 L C H #12848 -- ?/ ...L I..fqj A 3 ,;2 L L.. t-? ,., - . .-- "-'"':" ~." , 1 NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS c;_,rc v.., Oyster nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements f B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE l.f '1.50 <<S'IJ q~ '1s- t.~ 3,f9/,) 3.oOJ ~ ~o C?~ ,~ .<'; W" iPO hffJ C, "7.5:' c,;y~ 11 ~ 11% I:!m /5$0 77 13S-0 /35"cJ 79 3.(,:- -.' .'..J_ , ,,<,' ~.'J "7[" , ,?', / ~). -~__, D if :; J cJ r; 'J / ;:.'':"J 13_"0 ~ LOT BlK. SEe, TWN, RGE. 1;!f~~'1 ~,rJQ"~ I; - .2 Tract " nt'.: T.~ , ~~; ,,,a.. l, ' . '. . ", k.J;~' " .. , . - '~ ,,"~. '.'" . ,-,~- '-:.. Commenci~g at a point on the meander line where it intersects the N line of Govt Lot 1; thence SWly along said meander line, 36.15', said Doint being the S'Wly corner of Tract 33 of unrecorded plat of ~ose Point Extension; thence S 52 53' ~ along S'Nly line of said Tract 33, 333.04', more or less, to the NNly :tlil line of Primary State Higt!way #14; thence NEly along said R/W line 100'; thence S 52 52' E 60' to l.r.; thence continuing S 52 52' e the Ely line of Govt Lot 1; thence IT along S".id Ely line to N line of said Govt Lot 1; t1l.1illCe W along the ~J line of Govt Lot 1 to the SEly H/" line of State Highway; te,.,ce SWly along Sely li,.,e of highway to I.F. ~ '-.....~.........~A - - ,~~~-, ,