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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ; ~ f Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE h? 1l)~501 Edna Margaret Johnson 2 45 A 3 2 L ,.;./ )x'l,J2S- /0 " L/' 7,/ .f}.,jc:t2. "'-- a 2...1:,~~ -/';;'-7y ,C.,/ /9~ ?7.c- ^ /- ' ) 7,[ nfl --; ./ (/ oj ,ij"".1i.t. '< -J L.!:....SF /.q ~<<d/: h7 -J// 1,[, j _ / g( LW.ll.3 .2. t c.1L~,c>: ,,'/~ ~ ' ,_, ' " " -t,~1 U ~. J(,'c",..~ 2/7'1 C,t;'h;(' ~- J!.(i--<,,,,, -A- .!;i/'.L.//.:<"''''_ _'[LU ! / ---- - -I-- -I-- -- ----4IIf~~==~-------------;~-~~-:----:-:-~;------------------~~~~--~_::_~---~~~~~~~_._- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster 5';;2, 57 i.k /!? :p 11- "1-' 179 7'1 ~o; ~if. . Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster /.;'0 I,Yt1 - ---- ;;;0. "/e ,,7j~ ~IJ fi " Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Impronmenb (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE /, Y--o , /, of'd jA .5tJ /64 ,1.-:l1J X'lrJ /6 il,o "<0 5c1 6C3 /;;;<tY ,t/~ /6;l,ttJ ),p IX)' r ".-" Ix. u, '. / l'/ (" /// /' 3f.oc) - ',' (. fJ-tJ (. ~() .~,/,J:.r'<r, ~~ ,7//'; ...-? L. G ~ 5g~(; '-)-~: c:: () lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ,.0 , .~ ~";l.91.2JjJJQL~.a . ROE. ""T. ' ,....,,'. -----~ ".....yo~., ~~ ABM~~ U~ pepn1ou~ uo~~~od 11EWS Jb eA~sn1ox~ u~q JO ~ud o~ sse1 ~o e~ow .6'OG~1 Z oO( S u~l .('001 Nt .."7~ IG100 N U~l 1('6("71 Nt 00( N U4J .G"7'1Z Nt .9"7oS~ S U~J .SS'SZ Nt .9"706"7 ~ U4J osep u~e~eq ~OB~~ JO ~au~oo ~S o~ 10Gl~"7 Nt 19"706"7 S U4J 1~'60( NtI9ZoS"7 ~ U~J ABfoI~~ uo ~ud o~ ,,;'b~:b( ~ ..((I ~(oO S U~J ~'L'<IlI1 Ztl N~ G dfoll 6 oes JO eU~1 ~e~uao S pUB N UO ABM.~4 JO N ~sod UO~~ SAJJna ~B Du~~aB~S -. ( ~O'I ~AOO pUB tMS aN 1.0 01 ~oL. se_UM.ou:lj