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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2 L/ :J SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port I PUD FPD ------ 52 99490 R. W. Cady Jr. et ux /- ,77) 2 403 ~ ..1 --5_ L C ~ 'F J'! ...L ~o3 A .o.L 2 -L c. J:L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~~~---,---~~-~-------------------------:---------~---------;;;.;"1---.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oy.ter Tlmb.r Unimproved lmprov-.:! TOTAL Oyat.r Tlmb.r Unlmprov-.:! IMproved Improvements 8.ofE. (Building.) VALUE .21... 15. 1 15.81 140 140 .li. 11.2C 11. 27 90 90 26.. 10.1 10.12 80 87C 950 , 7 10.1~ llD.12 120 -e-- 120 k 10,1-;).. /tJ/ ;( ,;;:J.{) i) ..<0 CJ ~ ~ :J62J .&>?SlJ 3ao .3ao .:& ~ fb ~ {)(J 6 CJcJ 2L 35t/~ 3-54" 2i- ciL R."" t:. eM 6tJca I ~ Jf .3~RS 23- v ~~1"'::: 1#- /tJo % 65-:70 6~ IL. I ! , , , '; &~ (.-,.( . :.-. . ~.' . ~ -Jfi (;iD ' . ~) ~D:;!fo 10/':<" It) /.2- t,r (,;,s-: '. ._J ,'; , LOT 8LK. I SEC. TWN, ROE. Govt Lot 3*- 9.12 acres 3c NE SW', - 1.00 acres '~').:J -")1"\9 -':;) iL-;'. "....... ~~'.,....,~ .. , 2 koJLJi;& Nlil * '. ..'- ,~ - ''&is ~ --.--- :;7 h~ .pa~~~ld ~J~d ~ ~-1 S~O~JJ .x~ * c ~G-6 . SJ~ xa tfo'lS t:;IN,- pa~~~~d ~Jd ~ ~G-6 '~-G SJJ xa ( ~01 ~AOD JO 100tl a S~ UMOU~ Al~e~, ...~..... T I I I I T T I I I . -~ -. -~ ~--- - , NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS D .~. - Yellr Oystlf I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL r I Oyder limber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. 01 E. - {Buildings} VALUE ?~ -- /tL I ;L /O.I;L ';{,)'1(JO 01 'j"l0C) - - ==t - - - 1---- ----- 1-- . ---- --- I -~--_.- f---- ----- -. t___ --.. -- .- ---- ----- -- ---- -- - 1-- - _=1 --- 1----- 1--- -..--- 1---- - ---- ---- -- .- j 0-__- ! I , - ~- 4_ , Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE: Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO I- - - - - I- - - ,-- - - r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...--- . ::..:.~~~~--;:._..::_-...--- ...-...---- ~---_:..'---- ...._~.-:~-----_.... - ~ - ~--~-- --- ~_...._':"~~:""... ::;..:::~:.~~~-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,It Oyltlt TlmlMr Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyltlr Timber Unimproved Improvld' ImDrovemenb B.ofE. (BuIldlngt) VALUE ~ 50 31/ ~I". ~ 1,1/1 . , LOT BLK. ;-n Wl. rrr-ll 11 I -- I TWN. ROE. I ~.... ~H;"", ,pt. NW s'fJ p to ' 1'P+- . .1001 2/ 'l:az.7QO. h, t. .t .. '0" !io'~~ .. II - U ~ t9L. XtiJ, .Ia~SAO '0', 6~'9~ ~# 'S.IJ, t:{otieg uo~rno - 6tct ~ 091.. XtiJ, ! t .. L.9.~t 'S.I,1 t:{otieg UO~J1tO U1 pes sassy - ~ ~O'T '~d !is '!i .. ~#'S.I.L t:{otiaguo~JHO pessessy .. t ~O'I '~d .. O!i'( u u Il Il Il .. t ~o'I '~d .. - . s e.I 01;1 6L.'!i .. 'S.I.L t:{Otieg UO~JHO U1 pessessv .. :!IS !ill JO '~d * . " ..,., '" ~. -- - -~------- - ~"".L._"'_""'.,~..,_;_ _ ~~... You FilII No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS &ALE PRlcm Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO ~ - - - - - - - - - f-- e-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - -mt- 1 _..~ --------------------~~------------------------~-----~-~-~-------.-.~-~lIIt---- NUMBER OF ACRES . VALUATIONS V..r Oy.ter Tlmb.r Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyd., TlmlMr Unlmptond Improved Improvements B.oIE. (Building.) VALUE 19J ~f, :2/ . - LOT BLK. .--.-- ' = , .,~ ~ , 1 SEC. TWN. RaE. . , . - ,-' . , --, '-~ - .~ ') P:t~_ Lots l-~ - -