HomeMy WebLinkAbout222067590231 y.~'r-FiI' No .-I..------..--------NAME of OWNER ------i---.CONTRACT TO 'iid':'"TSch. P?rtpD~~!~~~~S ,:2:5....2.- SALE PRICE --'- I _ __I f / tftJ1J J 2 03 T 3' L' H #22263 ," ?~L6.Il8_ .G..H..._KJ.r:k_m . ___. ql . " ~ .317522..8.291L____ Walter R. Hell ms et al I _1_j_l_ #4 I, I I 'I -t! <1'711 217~.lQ'08.20______ .___.!'Ivin W. Thoma e a ,_, I tf!.C-<2- 12/75. 3094~L _ __ _ __ _ J'/ I 403 'T ,.IlL5..1L~_ ~_ :/7'7Q"f 'fO~/~;;J.. >-'f, " I !?n~ .2.6.594.5. _____ Elvin W. Thomas e U (,'ari Iyn) #64630 '-Q179!-~(,i8!?8.5__~________ ~ Ivoshiko Ha\'~shi- L #657360- I . ~--_._- ----- I--.~ -, - Improved I I V ALUA TIONS TOTAL I I Oyder limber Unimpro....d I Improved I ~,DO tf8b5 . - --. ~,cfc 8. of E. VALUE . ~;;, ??~~-e-. ---r- NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improvements I (B\jildirll~S) ~-OD J/~b6 /(',0 I'" {"\ co ~;,;. ).00 0<.,06 ,~'. . -.'~ ,: UC:' 1-. t I ~ .------- -., ---------- ----. I I -- -~ ----.---------- =------_~_-I_I:-- ---- -.. ----------- e-- -- _L.==J.--.-l ---~e----_, :__J. r-- ! I I I , -,--. -..- ,._._~., .............. -,,-, ~;2~<C7590;;>'51 'f).~)';1 /~StJD /(l St>O -f-___e--___L f----. ". ! LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ,Go. ')') 2 Tr"7;_A o_LS_tteyAV U I 7;7 ~_.L_ ~.- ~, (Tr. B of SP #445) All that prt. of 5-22-2, beginning at the SE corner of SW NW; thence S 87024' 13" W along the S line of said SW, 629.89', more or less, to the SEly r/w I ine of Tahuya River Val ley Dr.; thence NEly along said r/w line to a pt. on the Eline of said SW NW; thence S 2020'52" E along said Eline 780.58', more or less to the pob; Ex. the fol: Commencing at the SE corner of the SW NW; thence N 02020'52" W along the E I ine of said sec., 780.58'; thence S 45043'28" W 163.78'; thence S 40040'39" W 365.62', more or less, to the cll of creek; thence SEly along said cll to an intersection with the S line of sa i d SW NW; thence N 87024' 13" E 90', more or less, to the pob, . ----.- ,.........,.. .,." /v ., ......1:, - /,' I, C I~,~., I. / ,; ? j