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, YM' I AI. No. -1------ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 2i." / SALE PRICE Rd, ISeh. '!?rt PUD I fPD I , 70 25_1,~ ~. R, Kirk Co. 2 03 T 3 I L H #22263 3/.75 ~866L f---. Martin D, Alli b.on I St~~69g-- !%J- ~01f.S: 7fl ,;z 1% I .3 ' r.t; IL f.l o/~ '13'1'17/ ~.j.).~ hi R5'i U it I W" 'T -~ It; L III- WLl ----.-. ------ -n. -t-. I n. .. , " , .~ . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS /C (C,d lear Oyde' TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemuts B. of E. (Building" VALUE 17" 5,12 5,12 200 200 J~ 5' " ,C; /,::;~ ,I c~: .: 79 /~ !J,::. ' : - ~C.- ..... ~ - "J. , 7'i ,<), ':I.. -6. I :L. C [' ~ /'c'~ i,) .:~/ do () h If,j{)() /f"'''G f/5 if, l:l I.ot) 5. t~ ,"loco /.=-,-/00 3Y/oD 1-. ---- - ---- ---. : LOT ILK. ;J...;J-;;l 0 f.p 75 () 0 (5 3_Q~ SEC. TWN. RaE. I -~- -;.-' ,.",..'. 9)r t} .O!J$ , .l~_ "':-'" L-"-d/~ of '1'l?//,OF' rYTl3 . . .uo~SU!4Se~ 't~unoJ uosew ~O sp~o~a~ -Zrtso~ "ON ;);)~ sJo~!pn\f ~apun aSed aUJ:llo^ U! pal!J se ~uawasea t~!I!~n pue peo~ e 4~!M ~ay~aSo~ pue o~ ~~arqns "Su!uu!Saq ~o ~u!od.an~~ ay~ o~ ~aa~ I]I(Z6 :Jse3 ,,5f,l50l8 4~JOfl a:>ue4~ ~~aa~ 050889 ~se3 "fl.810Z y.nos a:>uey~ ~~aa~ Z6"ZIZ Ha/,\ ..lJf,[Zoll 4~nos a:>uay~ ~~aaJ 59"IZI .sefl ,,11.ZZoI9 4~J<>N ;):>uaY:J ~~aaJ 1]00589 ~sa/,\ ,,[5.9[0' 4~~Ofl a:>uaLp ~.ea~ 00002Z ~a~~enb .sa....y~noS Ples ~o au! I IpnoS ay~ I\uole ~se3 ,,[I,,;zol8 Y.JOfl a~uey~ ~Su!uul6aq ~o ~ulod an~~ a4~ 6u!aq oSle ~ulod Ples "W"f\ '~sa/,\ Z a6ue~ '4~~ON ZZ d!4su....oi '5 Uo!~~aS JO Ja~~enb ~sa....4~~ON ay. JO ~au~o:> ~sa"'4.noS ;)y~ ~e 6ul~uawwoJ . [ .L JlflU '- ~-"-