HomeMy WebLinkAbout222052400250 , v.., NAMe of OWNeR CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. I kll. I Port PUD I fPD I 2 ~3 T 3 L fU. No. 376111';' 67 226970 Gerald L. Allen l!lJ2!l8 6/71290224 ~'tH6fP.5 9/7'2~33UO 'IJ., /. - .....ill:. ~~,?J.,;U ID!g314W9.3.<..1 ~"'THO'" Tcihuya River Ine AI thony Padula e Tahuya River Inc. Winona J. Lundemo al II 7'< ,). 1<10 I,:? Ire; L H' I WriI,A!, ~') l--IU~ yu I/) 7/17J i>n.o..\A oT"\ 1b.'JUI II II .1/ I 140: r =? I" f 11/ II ----L- T.er I Oyster . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -I nmber UnlmproVlld Improv.d TImb... Unimproved Imprond TOTAL 0'..... J!i 7~ 75 5~/? - '7 /-".n,d 9;,-::1/' ,I 1':.-' ... .s. .:2.7 -.:;).,' 7 " 0 ;'- /KtJ"lr LOT ILK. I SEC. TWN. <6E. ,_c 22 2 - -- ~ . - , .', .. - ~ :;).;i. -~~.. -'TO'IT:ij::~l\t Vt_.J4_,;2.:t-_ ...____~ _ .~act _25 of .See._, ,_. _ .. .. _ " _ . :;':,-7 I I H . Impro....m.nfl (lultdlnQI) ""'Ill SALE PRICE #3911~0 ~/t>::I1' .$ #'-''''2/' 11/ ,.cco ~ I:t:- r75~.2..7 tuD 6 f? I. of E. VALUE /~/9/'} , '. /.('c:JCI'" , If';' r'3. " That portion of the SEt NWt & NEt swt of Sec. 5-22-2, described as follows: COIIIDencing at the NW colier of the SEt NWt of Sec. 5-22-2; thence N. 87036'04" E. along the N. line of said subdivision 180'to the true point of beginning; thence continuing N. l:ll036'04" E. l:lO'; thence S. 16059'42" E. 1625', more or less, to the centerline of the Tahuya River; thence Wly along the centerline of the Tahuya River 210', more or less, to a point which Dears S. 1203~'17" E. of the true point of beginning; thence N. 12039'17" W. 1580', more or less to the true point of beginning. Except Tahuya River Drive. Subject to easement. .- ----- -'- ~--