HomeMy WebLinkAbout222051390200 Short Plat #59 File #290476 v_, File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;U/ SALE PRICE ,.. $cll. Pori PUD HD , I 3761?1.,. I I 73 226970 Gerald L. Allen et ux Tal uya River Inc. 2 40 T 3 L H' 7/74 291370 Gal yD. Logan et cl $9,20U. 1:& 211 L' 't! ~Al ,,", ~ ~~ftJ, k"", " " " 18' "0 -r 3 fO<; I-f ,;2 L 3:fJ5.. ~17 i ":j'J l4v", ' ~.1 5';t;A' ~A" " " " " 1 /. :<r-')3-'141 OtueV Sf I V-Io 7' 3 15 L 1-1 I . -- " ". - . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS t; <fY Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster TImber Unlmprov4ld Improved Impro"emenh B. of E. (BuildlnQI) VALUE I~ dl.~~ ' 1.,.01.-95"' :HAt, L;""", n 600 , ..r -=-. 7t; J l..f~'- - -'. , 7" <?,51$" I"? 9.:1 c .. , g";)- i~.!./': I_.'~~'.'CJ() LOT BlK. . ~;;l2~5..!.5.H .Q,a6.QJ - SEC. TWN. 'So. 22 2 Tract 20 of Sec. ____,__.''tiL;7:1. .. #-.-. . . , , - ' - -- , ~ -. -- ~ . - - - - . - -. .--- .-. - r' r w. 164.71' as measured along the N. Une thereof of the following described tract: COlIIDencing at the SW corner of Gov't Lot 2, Sec. 5-22-2; thence N. 02015'51" W. along the W. line of said Gov't Lot 2, 200.00'; thence N. 87036'04" E. parallel to the S. line of said Lot 2, 48.25' to the true point of beginning; thence continuing N. 87036'04" E. 329.42'; thence S. 30043'04" E. 750', more or less, to the centerline of the Tahuya River; thence SW1y along the centerline of the Tahuya River 300', more or less, to a point which bears S. 30043'04" E. of the true point of beginning; thence N. 30043'04" w. 860', more cilr less, to the true point of beginning. Subject to easement SEE SHORT PLAT # 59 - Trs. lOA & lOB .. ---- - --~ --- - ----- --- -- -- -~ -~~. ~'~ (, I..