HomeMy WebLinkAbout222024200060 ~:'~';;;~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~q'/ SALE PRICE Yb~ <L~.ro .l~ Rd. "h. Port PUO FPO U ..." - - --- - -.21L 155045 E. L. Kisler et ux 2 W ..A... ...1 ..2_ ...1 C 11 kt,.,~ a.... .:3 .&..... ~ <: ,fl ( W'o3 A- S .;2 L c. It - --- I-- - I--- - --- , - --- --- - - I-- --- - - - I-- --- --- - - --- --- --- - ,~ ---_._----~~~-*~~q- --- ---=---------------- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnlmproVlld Improved TOTAL Orlttr 11mb., Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 61 . /a .10 /C) /0 5./;, ,/0 ,jO /.-1 '11'-0 7ScJ 2I- M :?~c1 ;;Yo ,2f- ,';:;'1 ,;;11/ /00 ?fL'o g<,Lo .J E:j. ,--2~ ,;2,1 /OC? d~Fo ;;Z '?5CJ , 1.eL ,:J<I ,;;tc/ Ion .::?77o ~ P? D "- b~ /..25 3f1a? ~ VI- 9"50 ...,1/ 13Y/~ ~ '1'13::> !& ~ I?~ 9~tJ /;.f'3o ?J'.3t7 , 2L /75d ~~,g,!) JP6Rca 22!... /'7 S'tJ - /~ K..:./.':I'5 JL /t?'. I~ ~ ~Cl /6s.fb ~~o 7 . 51 J,i(, f( ',' " .; .J , ') if -, ,-0- ~ ., . 7C. c { c... . ~ ' LOT BLK. - - - - " I lEe. TWN. RaE. tJ;l,.?; O~Jf.iD' 60' (0' Df <'.' - . ,"," ~ ....T ormerly known as Tr 2 B-1 a'nd r' 2 1. of Govt Lot 2 &. 3 Bgn at M.C. between Sees. 1 &. 2, which corner is N. 560 04' E. and 5303.70 ft. from the M.C. between Sees. 2 and 11 and run Thn along the M.L. S. 690 46' 17" W. 445.01 ft. Thn N. 740 13' 43" W. 921.76 ft. Thn S. 550 16' 17" w. 412.56 ft. Thn S. 250 46' 17" w. 1092.67 ft. Thn N. 880 43' 43" W. 269.51 ft. to a pt on M.L. and true pt of bgn. and Thn N. 10 29' 13" E. 290.80 ft. to an iron pipe in corner of existing fence Thn N. 890 20' 7" w. 106.70 ft. Thn N. 530 13' 7" w. 39.60 ft. Thn N. 530 05' 07" w. 90.56 ft. to iron pipe in fence corner being the most Nly point of tract of land owned by Roy J. Mitchell et ux and I.P. of following described portion of Mitchell Tract, run Thn S. 450 48' 53" W. along NWly line of Mitchell tract, 107.3 ft. Thn S. 780 25' E. 103.2 ft. mil to W. boundary of tract conveyed to Mildred Holeten, run Thn N. along W. line of Holeten Tract and E. line of ~itchell Tract 82 ft. mil to intersect with corner commmon on Nly boundary of both tracts, Thn N. 530 5' 7" W. on Nly line of ~itchell Tract to I.P. Alse: Beg at M.C. between Sees 1 & 2, which corner is N 5604' E and 5303.73' from E.C. between sees 2 &. 11; run th along the meander line S 69046'17" W 455.01'; th N 74013'43" w 921.76" th 3 55016'17" w 412.56" th S 25046' 17" IV 1092.67'; th N $$043'43" w 602.71' to point on meander line; th N 90 40'l?".E 1~0' to i~on pipe in ~ence line; t~ N 50~4'07" \':, 96.70~ to an~, .~-1~-pJ:p1:"; LI, !. 450.4l:)!5J" .t:; 155.90~ t"o--1ron p1pe in fence ~Qmler ~~~ ....'.~na I.P. of tract of land hereby desc; ,th S 45048'53" W 107.3'; th N 8015' , E 100'; th S 81045' E 66.4'; th S 11023' W 15.1', more or less, to I.P. 1 T I r I' I I I I -. . '. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I. I V ALUA TIONS Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprQvod Improvemtnts I B. of E. Uuildln9l) '1.1>.\.\,)= gJ.. 1--- ,;1.4 ..:(<f 1/ S't!)C) In '/':<7 S- 75' 77S "_. - - -_.~ --.-- -. --- .. ."--- --- -. . _. I ------ 1--.-- --- -- 1._.- -.. -- -'-' -- .-- - 1--- ~--- . .===1 - 1-. ~--- ----- ". -. ---- .. . -'--- I I 1 ,