HomeMy WebLinkAbout222024200050 Year FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO '12 lh.Og!J j) Mildred Holeton pAl IS 61 Jh;.-'Z~ Id :.,jZ- N d 0k Cfp/c& ~~J'4t Y;8-u~ .J- d!.. .!"'<?OO DISTRICTS ,7\'" ~ I Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD BALE PRICE 2lU..Al2LC d....~ _(;(L..2....LLIL f'( ( If d 3 .Ii...2..2.....b...L rt ----I-- --- ----r----- - - ---r-f- ---- ~-y-----------~------------------------~-----_:---------.:...--------~... c-e- '--'. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . , Year Oyster Unimproved Improved Timber j"'?V b':. ,PI -, 6'"4 -S'f 15b" o ~g/(' 1.54> /. h,X -.:I., 00 /~f;l III I~St:C Ia: I&;1 717 .11 , ;'/ , 7/ ,7/ .71 ,LOT .LK'-7 SEC. TWM. TOTAL . -91 ~71 -;/ , / .71 , 7/ .7/ Oyster /I~ , ~O -t37- -'7 _~o?" Timber Unimproved Improvemenb I B. of E. Improved (Buildings) VALUE ;y ~ ;t:,? -fI tJ / iLL. - ..:? 7"&0 LI..,q-s<", I '850 'Z /6 1/.856 ::( (j ~(; .;z.. I 0 :<,5'70 2g0 D _ <><00 .;(6-';0 :? 790 _ :J.OtJ 0//0 /1/0 ,;/)61 7'/0 //..~?; 17f?cJ /300 31,;{0 I 1JJo ~Q?L '3oA 1) /76'0 /5'70 '?1.'> t' ..;:i>.;l.;lS .d~ 1"/?~ L3~70 /'165k,-,'....;-- ;;?Yo $7'3tJ /ane> RGE. . .,~Ol.4~DiD:oslol '" -,-,,:,1 -~'''' ~ ~, -..,./- ronner1y known as Tr ex That portion cf Gov. Lot No 2 particularly described as follows: Starting from the n:eander corner of Lood Canal bet,-reen see land 2-22-2 'il. \1. j.,. thence along tr,e ",eander lir2 in see No 2 as follows: south 70.00' west 445.2 feet; thence north 74000' west 922.1 feet tLence south 55.30' west 412.7 feet; thence south 26"00' west 1093.feet; thence morth 88'30' west 276.6 feet; to tLe point of be inning of this description; ti~nce nortn l' 35' east 299.9 feet; thence north 89014' west 106.7 feet tLence north 53002' West 39.60 feet; thence north 52'59' west 90.4 feet; thence south 45055' west 155.9 feet thence south 50008' east 96.7 feet; thence so th 9042' west 167.2 feet to tr.e meander line thence along said meander line south 8.,0 30' east ~ feet to tLe place of be- ginning containin~ 2.41 acres more or less. Also a righ of way 30 feet w~de described as '~eing 15 feet on eaCl! sice of t"e center line cescribed as follows: 3eginning at a point on the above course north 89614' ~est 91.7 feet west of t,e ~m corner; thence north 78 feet; thence north 18b30' east 291.,,0 feet more or less to tr.e center of Le county road.? . "B tf.'L -.3 Y. 6 .,.t 7 Tax 1248 / I T.L. of 2nd c inc1udin~ that pt of Tr. 2 Vac. St. Oy Res #138 in front of upon those por. o~ Lot 2 ~ 3, See, 2-22-2, desc. as follows: Bgn at the me on the E In of sald Sec. 2 thn along the balanced m1 S 69046'17" iN 445.01' N ;40p',43" w 921.76' S 55016' 1M7" w 412.56' S 25046'17" w 1092.67' & N 880 43 43 \', 269.51' to the true LP. tr.n!J 1029'13" E 290.80' fIJ 89020'07" Vi 1~6.70' N 53013'07" W 39.60' N53005'07" w 90.56' S 45048'53" w 155.90' S 5.14'07" E 96.70' S. 9040'17" w 160' to 0 pt on said m1 & tr.n S 88043'43n E 333.20' to the LP. 5.0~ chs.Ex. that por. of said T.L. included in a tr. of Oy land conveyed by ~tate to C. A. Christopher throu~h deed issued June 17, 1905, app #3289 b .- " ..;'11'--""--- -,_.-..--~- '-'. - -~-- '~---~..-.-.:.-~-~----~-~". -.-.-,--- ~, r:. ~, 'H' Ex ~f ~ . * Ex. Tax 1248 A & B / -r" i_ .-..... /i . co ',? >-; ~/ -::7, ......." -/ .rf../ . // ,,'/ -'I" ,. /"'1 /' / , , /. ,-1 ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I 1 , T I I I 1 , , I --.- .- - . - -'-- - - - - -- - - - - -- ---- - ,.'. - . ~ '. I NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur I Oystor I Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Ilmprovemenh I B. of c. (Buildings) VALUE ..- 1"7/ tt,P,t,. 71 ,?/ 1// /cJtJ .39~/J /sz,3o 2/ -6- -C7 .,.e.. 22- // /tJCJ ..5:.24: -/63S.S' 7'A ~ <e- ~ :1~ tklIL /. /$'# ~ I/J/tltJ Jh A'- L.s7aK JA {/ W r -;:e.. . ~ """<9- ;13 IIII"/J UL.A~ /5?t?5 1'7..'3 ~ --.!}- ~ ii ;. :o~ ~~CJC) 'f:;l/CJ 3/<1'/1:> -rl 3:' ' 1 . :::J---k .' 17'/ ' , '/1 ,7/ I 1/ . ':. 0 'J,,{ /-1. - u. <N!::"'I ./t-'/cr 'J .c - - , .. '"7(' 'I " I / r ., - ~ I"' 3" "" /'J,,1) :;- Id>.:: 'I7S'" 1\''>' d I-~ t:j #- .:< 3~ /0 ?'1ou L/ 77' 101/70