HomeMy WebLinkAbout222024180220 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;2. ,/1 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD Fern McGill II: - C;? 10999' H. McGill 2 li J:. .l 2 JL C ,51 /7/;;: /') ~ ./ ~/u. / ,)1 4?~! .J1.. A '" ...2... L .L' . """'2'" dI., j :f/. n /jj7! , h/J /,f~ 'Y.r: ,/ ) 7. i I - - - - -1-1 ! t,~ :1/latr.-L. Z<J./ # rM.. "'" .Iii!, / v, ~ if / '1 /j'1f! I/TIT) f !/.0.1 A.. 3- .d..D c uf r1 tI -; : --- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - , , - --- - - I I - - - --- i L-__. J:':' --- - -------------------------------~~---- .' - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlmbar Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 6.2 9.,Fi, *~I L(o-b 1 '-;ioo ~a. la ,:; I Ie} 0 <1. 9';; .JJ''1_ - kk --I ..., ,-a ~/~ /..2.5' i'1t? ~, ~ ~S"'o I ~~Cl --,- . ~ . .:z5.t1 .;t5o ('co" ~ ~e 90 . ~ :')00 / , -. I I ~~ ~ q. .-,...: I n vtf 500 S-,y, I j'( 9? Sao .!:,-;)() . -- - LOT BLK. ~:AI-f/x6.h~ SEC. TWN. RGE. - =<<-;. .-.;0.. .. - . '. " .00 --'--"''''~ ., .. .- A tract of tideland in sec 1 and 2-22-2 ,iest w. H. more parti.cularly descri.bed as follows: BeginninG at a point 10.12 ci,ains south of ti,e meander corner to See 1 and 2 22-2 West W. E. and rurming tLence north 86"59' west along tLe State oyster Reserve 12.90 chains H,enc," south 50' 03' ,lest 6 c. ains thence south 39' 47' east 4.26 cl.ains thence nortL 61' 45' e:st 4.905 CMins th nce north 83' 42' east 10.47 cha -ens ti.ence south 69' 23' east 10 chains titenc north 3 cLains 'J.ence north 690231 west 10 cl,ai~ls to the place of beginning. ------.,.,~--..,.;...,.-----...._~-'--,-,-- -.,. ___ _...,,..__w--__, _ _,_ ...'_ -"~--'---- ~~'---' .