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Y..r Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;:: If ( SALE PRICE: Rd. 110.. Port PUD FPO - - - - - 2L Frank C. Schricker et. llX 2 1&} A ....1 J -I c ...2:J- 19d"I'? ! /..//1 :I!:a ./ c4,,/.~ c~'n ) ff .L !Io3 117 .d. L 1:. c. tf 10/ /91;:;);12 f} ot/~-:i'..d J ~ .J'" /6"0:7/ " ., - - - 7.t!opc; , f(> ..tL. D ?,,j, (/ ,,., ::led ~ '0.- ,V?"-z L!:L . - - D f,C;' ~t9Lj -:1-;. ,1) >V <J!" d. ' d. ) ", '" ' ""-?iN 'if --'L - - - - - - .fu.. 111~f:l A-L f I< :t!a L / ~f/L. " " !i1!L (jjtJ;J/~ ~ f-- - - - - - $ ? """-EJ,/'J !.. qt/O f / CYl~O - 7o/)/) - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - =- -.".-~_...------_......... . ......~ -_._~~-""""'.....-~. ._--~--------------------~~~~~~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,,, Orl\.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Old.r Tlmb.r Unimproved I",proved Improvements B. 0' E. (Buildings) VALUE .{ 52 5. DC 5.00 450 2110 27RO ..2..l.. 5.0e 5.00 4S0 1Q20 4'370 .5..7 ~. ,~ :c. 4.0C 1.00 S.OO 150 '3. 400 SO 1920 4S::>0 ..2.2- i:~! ~ C. 4.1' 1.00 5.13 150 4S0 SO 1Q::>0 IcS70 .)''1 . --- 3-/3 -I:>' /,5:/ ,-::;' ,{,C!(I '?O-' tJ' (;,670 ---r- ~: 1/0h'.j -? " __J y,,,", .fE2. ;.;;:;" , tJ./3 1;,4:-'$ .~ ":?b{JO 37:20 /:.&:20 U- ..;>. ..O~, b"": /3 7. '5':3 ~ ("crz; 57t/o J13~t) ~.;,~ c k!L ~t:,c>O -7t,E 0 /0"''''' UL ~Sg _~S6 9.5'-9'6 .I~?f?1l 14- l3.s;,o 75"~ (J l.:l'::;>o~o il J-,L"" /3S(/(j 951"" .;1.EI/6S . ill . /'..;25 I /~~';'-A:l 9/tf,tJ - ~ L; ?p ,;IS'/) :;;7t!MJ /!'.;1f/& QL5'.5:;}6 ~ - ,:1/ 0 1M / tl";;?a 3~ht? -?2 P/(.t71tJ ,;)t)?~, ~,.2;>~~ LOT BLK. 1 . -:/6;;),,/ tj-fo'06 (6' lEe. TWH. RGE. ld:~ . ' . ; . .~. ., ,~lof vt Lot, 1 &. tJR Tax 8As Sr. ' .' E200' of Govt Lot 1) NE NE S 01' BY. Tax 865 --- 3.22 L.C. 1956 A.V. $60 All tidelands of 2nd class situate in front of the E 200' of Govt Lot 1 Tax 979 --- 2.40 Acres 1956 A.V; $90 That por of Vac Tr. #2 on the Clifton lying in front of the E 200' of Govt Lot State Oyster Reserve Plat #138 1. ---'.. --~ - -- f'fIJ"'" ~~:.. .,.-,,., I I I I I I I I I . . , ~ - - . '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y." I 0,.... Timb... Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r TImber Unimproved Impro'f'ed Im&::ov.ments t. of E. ( ulldlnQs) VALUe ll!i :1,.1/0 5'13 ~ ;,Sg III()' % .q..8~ L/1'I.6lJ tf '/6.$ )r,;, '1 t,1! L,~ ,CJ I ,t) I " , . /6 ? "~/U ,t,,;.. J? C) , /.. - 77 t,;:;:';' .. 7//1'1:, /':::'-'l791" 171 ,7;; 'X /-/E- ,~I /01 /.i,? . '7i-~,!.> ' SP-"' l' r r ,~_ /r.';/~"-'..:'-- '7/79:- . .~~~ .// -t/ ~'t: r , , /.....~/'-- /' /.:.- ,:- Y/..:5":-:- ~ " , /~ : , J - I r _' /1, - .';"1,- , , " 'c ." " . ,. -, - y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS SALE PRICE' Rd. 110.. Part PUD FPD flern ~~UB+! -!11~t. - - - - - - ~ 98889 2 2 .!&.1 ..A.. -.l 2 L c "',,21'/ larrv lC ,1 1 -os 1nt. -YL 17161'5 It It ( eo. :Ciegenfu s - :$ 3.3':600 - - - - - ~ /917,J<- fi. g ,/ A'~ / - - - - - - I tlll /I / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f--- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - -I .' , . , . . .". . ",.....,,,.,,.. -_._- .' ~ -_""__=--_....."'".__~__4fi! ~....___ ..~'. .. . '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oy&ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylttr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. - (BuIldings) VALUE ....52... '3.22 I..C. 5.50 5.50 20 4'50 1490 1960 ...5l -}:f .C. 5.50 5.50 20 450 2540 1010 ..51... ~. r., LSO 1.00 5.S0 50 400 50 2540 3040 ..N. . ~ ~'C 4.53 1.00 5.53 50 450 50 2540 3090 I.. . 51 - -f;~:') -~~,~ .G - .:-:<./rrO() ,:J.~O .37C/(j ./eQ.. ~ ';. q ,of, k. .5-;53 5',53 --A- ,.;)[,00 ~ 5' Sic) r::-No tl ---..-~- r~J. " . . ).' l , LOT BlK. , , , , , " , lEe. TWN. RGE. f , , ' . o. ...;:L , ., Tr~c.t. 2 "f' f'.._" T.,,+. 1 Ri- lIili!. ", , .~ l._'._J ,;., -. .~. , =" W 200' of E 400' of Govt Lot 1 & NE NE S of HY except E 200'. Tax 864 Tidelands of 2nd class in front of W 200' of E 400' of Lot 1 frontage of 3.22 lineal crains. That portion of vacated Tr. 2 of Clifton State Oyster Reserve lying in front of the W 200' of E 400' of Govt Lot 1. 3.00 A. Tax 986 :.~."o. . - ----------- _._.- ,----- ~ - ,~ c~.',. V.., File No. NAME of OWNER ..iL 85878 Robert Boad ..iL 15'5420 " " --25- 161416 Robert Boad et we CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;:' 1 ( Rd. Boh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! 2 403 A 1 2 t-l- c bb~i;~zzg",AI ,17. I'~J_) ',..or! q T<";l I" ..< '.\~' .. . ':'. I- I- ~;/j. ;; k :t: 1".11'1..--1- _I- _ "').~ 957 r _u__ f?1..L1io.J It.2.2.-.b.Lc. fi :-;;:; :" _ F_ ...- '.,'.. '- ---- ----f--- =lJ, ______~-_._:_---:...-----------:..;::-...:---':..-':..-;;'~.....o---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oy_tlr Tlmbtir UnlmproVld Imprond TOTAL Ord.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE .22... .70 .70 50 50 '"- .A7 .t:/? ~CJ .,.",,7, i?'l 60(') ht1~ .#- _. ,f,1J.tJo y.;:<t:YeJ - 2L /,,;;:JtJa 1.;1.1J([j t!L /~% -2/4110 ~~tJo 77 10;' ~ h , ~: () 1,-;'0 C .0-("" 4......<....( t..,. gJ. JIM 0 ","',4('0 .. ......----.- -..- ~ . I - 7-. /./ I - L /~ / . ' . 0/,-; ,. ,. , , ? LOT BLK. . , \ lEt. RGE.' 1 , , TWN. , , . ~ > : . . , , , 1 J \ 2 1 r.f' ~ T.r.1'. 1 . . , That portion of W 200' of E 600' of Govt Lot 1 which is not included in the Recorded and Unrecorded Plat of Boad Haven. ?o=erly known as Tr 4 of Govt Lot 1 ex and Tr :3 -~ .;....'.... 4L.. .-, _L r" . c. ,'.-1.: .