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V.., Fil. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS '; /r SALE PRICE C;UD~ d. 5ch. Port PUO fPO I 7/73 .2.h831'7 ' .,' , -:..M'- ....~~1.1 ? ',)~nC)'i? Ea r 1. .0,. L i ncnJ.n 0+ "~ Of"3 = .FY')r'T't'"I' ',) Ir~ 3 n L ~ -- 'J y/ I 1'>0; A .3 ,;2 f- 1(' tf . . -- - ------ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyste, Timb.r Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvlld Impro....m.nts 8. of E. (Iulldin;,) VALUE 1'~ .~.P ,d,f ~~ctt) ~-.,CO 7/j ~ OjG ~() ~~ ,7 &, !JiJ (' /~ I 'I; - ..JV {, I , , C -0. .-:"). ~ 1-",,-_ ~ g?- ('1.~ I:'.) Ol b 9.1 , LOT BLK. - ' ~D'.?:-rtf Of) 1:1Ol SEC. TWN. RGE. ~5) '" -!3 2.2.. ..~ ~ ] ., . Tr<lCt 13 of Govt. Lot 1 .. ' , , .., A trAct of lane] ill r"ovt. T...nt It Sp-c. :"t Tl'~). 7':' NOT."t"t ? '112,P ? ~~.~,~ :'p~ti~ula'~ly (lese. aR ~ iol1ovs: CO:.tf1\CING ,'11-- a C011CratC' '1rJTI11-1cnt '~Hrid_lv' tbll "'~.qnrll-~r c lTI1r~r ~)f:'t":ncn \:y..r],ctiona1 l)ectinns 1 tmrl ~t :3:::1'i.{~ TO'Tlshi.., en 1 ~l'Y'~e; th'?nce Ho~th ~~o:?'i'_'~7" nl1Gt <>;, TA'.atC'0. ~ecxin~s to Boe.r! I:Iavpn Tractst 2.cCOT(~iT1f'- to thn r....Gorde,i .....lc,t t~1C..t~O: in the o......ice. 0.... th~ Anl'T;.tor nf' ~~a"'flTl :;0untYt T"a. t Vol. I.. 0'1: Plr'tt:i, =,,[!,,38 ?8) 717..31 r0:~t to ~)oint u..:~f!: t11CnCG :,'TO:Ct:l 5031'51." T'efit 1.7':,.~A ....'}et tn t-'T,P. pC'l:i:1Tt o'~ 'b8~jnn:i_"3 0':" t1i~ trAct 0:'" 1.,,'1-,,(1 "f~rl:'\hy (les~ri')ec1; t~v~nc(' cont:i.nllins :Jo:r:-tl1 'j015'r:;llt 'rpBt l?fj {p,ct; elPnce S(Ti1th :1.':.O?-':.':J91f ~"?;t 07./:,7 f'G:Jt; t~'encc South ~015'51n ~::tGt 1'5 fpet; t~:;pce !Tortl1 :t.'~0;U..'r.9t1 :est c)7./~7 ("eet) 110re or lC!~s, to thl1 ~oint of 11~:innin~, C~Ccp.')t:i.nn t11'~rerr(J'1 ro;-t.C~ ri~~l~:H-O';-"~Y. :,"-~-~J-",-=, --- - - -_._-~ - -------. - -- .