HomeMy WebLinkAbout222021300011 V.., FlI. H.. NAIIE.. OWNEflI CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;. I-( I SALE PRICE:' Rd. .... Port PUD FPO - - - 62 :\.92703 Walter L. Whionle et fd./}r,~,/. ;J 2 ~ A '3 2 L G :;,>! ,;2 4.:U. ux 1,3 :;;"/49/ ;;(;a" ~r? '7J. '11. .4- /, 0 ~ ~22. ~(J C!~/ / - - t..1 '11 I Ifd3 It 3 ;Z L c. !!. floY/o '1h" 3!.1;jcJ.6 10'; . ~~c;:;,;::' '5'Cft) - - - - 0.?'; Po 'ti4'l.;z.$9 . - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - -, -- - - -- - - - -- - - - .- , ',' .' ,","," W-' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oy,ler Tlmbar U"lmprovlld Improftd TOTAL "".., Timber Unimproved Impro\'ed Improvemenb ...,E* (Buildings) VALUE !?.J. ,;(1/ ,:211 d,~ ,;;, , _. hi, ..!f~ 3/J 3d - ~t 5/.p 50 170 1-< ~f'D /()() 1/ () " - 17/ /-?.5o /7.5'~ 1'1- I Cf% %;'&0 j3500 77 ''I ~,.f 'I') , r , ,..iT 7'" , r' ^ I . ' , ~L .2-/ c ,(' .':) '. . ~:J. I;), 7~O 16~/ (; ~'js/() - I LOT BLK. 1;)l~.9 a~' / '3do-o""fTil .'Ie- lEe., TWN. ROE. .. .!:), ". loll. m. Q't..J.. iJi: 2 .c--'>. "" :>0.-_'- ~~ ---,. , Year FUe No. ''Y~J' 'i2 88076 .J'J'o 77 1.:2IJ77 1/..<'/ 7'~ j' NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE' John C. Butler et ux 2 ~-1L2- 2 1L c 4.-1a1..!L...2....:L.L -Cr- ----- 1--- , ----~_:~~--------------------------------------------------------------------~-~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy&ter Timber Unimproved Improved Impr~vemenb I B. of E. ,0 / ,S.fj (0 (B""',g,) I VA;U; ".,,5' .,rJ' 5fJ I 50 - /0 /0 I/. , Year d:z 9J ,5c? 1.1 / , / , " I / , LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. -..:;.. ..-- , , L,.ll--- '^+ ,,>,^+,, -r.,.-- j 1 .-,...-: " ,~,', ,- '-' . ~ ~, known as Tr-22 ~f'Go~t 1St 2 ~ A part of Gov. Lot 2 SJ>c 2-22-2 \Vest W. ii. Beginning at tl.e meander corner betHeen see's 1 and 2 "hich cornClr is norti, 55'38'42" east 5313.27'from tLe I';. C. bet1>reen see's 2 and 11 anl', run thence alonf; tl.e meander line south 69 "21' 34" West 4 .0 feet tl,ence north 74'.38' 26" west 921.98 feet tiwnce south 54' 51' 34" 'W'<$t350.96 feet to an iron pipe on the scutherly margin of the county road an'. the I. p. run thence north 25' 38' west 230 feet to the HE corner of tj,e land herein described ti,ence south 62'32' ,rest. 54.91 feet to tJ.e H1-l corner tj,encc south 259.0: feet to an iron pipe on the soutl, mar-in of tLe county road tGence nortj, 62018' 30" east 167.05 feet to the I. P. lx. County road. w. 412.64'; thn S. 2::;021'31j" \1. 1161. 21j' to ant. 28' W. 61.lt3' to an iron pipe; thn r:. 26"23'4C" :::J~' a,