HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012360150 Yoa, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS e7~f SALE PRICEl Rd. ..... Port PUD FPD 52 Stute of ',lashinp;ton I/.. ,rl 2 403 ,~ 3 2 L C :?/ .L Vfd? II J .;; /.-. c.. J:L I-- - - - ;-- - - I-- - - - ;-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~~--~:~-----------------------~~-------------~--:;-~~~-----------------------~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Grlbr Timber UnImproved Improv~ TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improv.d ImprOVlmllnb B.of E. (Building.) VALUE 1.33 "'- .- I /. 5'3 -</.77 -:"1 , , LOT BLK. . lEe. TWN. RGE. ~~o/~6o 100: I , .,22 ' , ~ 2 Tract 15 of Govt .. '.<;< "";1,'t' ,- ->~'" Be" at a rr:or:uoentJt t' e '\. r;.e'}nder corner of sec 1-22-2, said corner also ~ bcinp: t;'e 3'.: corner of Gov. Lot 3; tl follo~linp; tl'e section line:" 00;09'19" E 157.3' to a monument on tbe ~ line of the 01i~t6n Cystur deserve; th ~ 77"50'30" 3 366.16' to 1.:.; n ;: 225.12'; tl' .:; 240'; th ::.; 276.86' to t" e :: 1 ine of Clifton vyster .(eserve; tf, follo',in" th e .. line :, 770 jU' jon '",' 245.C' to :;:.~. ~:~-"-,oo .L- - , ,."- You FII.No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - ')2 1lIiz F. R. Williams et ux 2 ..JJ,: -A l ~ .l.L C 'F! + 51 .J. I? ltJjL, ~.J " JM. u .Ii 4- W. 1.4 2.. 2L .L L ., , -j . . , . I:iL , ;D /0-;'(-37 2'1 1/1x-7"~ &"O/MMhJ 2ik/.t:~ 6 ''7;,'dP~ - - - '1 "),-n.5? n 1//,,05"3' f-;:' , /<i' 'U, '.0;. - - - - . - - - I-- - - . - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - ---e_ ---_..._---~_:::_----------------------~=::~--~~-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .,$- Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIng.) VALUE .5) 10 /0 ..j o-V I/( Vel /9 ?o ,5J .sO() /7/0 :J:J. / ~ - -/1 3.:((.' /t!cJ. _/(J,(! 1 t,c) ~'7t)O ///11 ;2:;J. 71) !:J ~ 5'/1', .r7 ~- Lt:2..t1.L1. t:CJ 1/6(; ~<J /;7/0 2,;?,7cJ .J1.i :1..i: ~, -l. In .Jd.a... /0, ~t) b{) 3() 7 f;() /7/0 ~:;-S-O ?c 3 ..;I. f-. f,t;iO --Leo /(),O{) .-c:.::J 30 7.52> /7/() ,;{ Lf9 () t< - . - LOT BLK. 0."-'- - "ot SEC. TWN. RGE. J , , ,;, .c?? ' ...02 . ,.:. ~. T .~ , .rH. _ '~,.... ....t..o , ". ; rmerly kn~1ffi as Tr 4 0 cfovftot''J Beginning at the Sout..west cornc.r of + i,e said tract which is Souti, 58' II' East 235.40 feet from t~e meander corner to fracticnal section'l and 2-22-2 West W.N. thence norti" 1108 feet to south marf,in of tile hiehway; tuence sout;. 88644' East 307.9 feet; tLlence south 89013' East 72.1 feet to the west margin of State road to State Oyster Reserve; thence scuth along said west margin of said state road 990 feet tL tLe State Fisheries [rounds; thence \'/est 220 feet ti,ence south 225.12 feet more or less to the meander line tr,ence I-iortr, 58011' \':est 186 feet to point of beginning; the foregoing description is not intended to include any of t.he land beyond the meander line fronting on salt water or tide land. Tax 988-F T.L. of 2nd c bgn at a pt is S. 58011' E. 235.4' from ml 187.47' to the W line of Rj thn Wly along the N line on U.S. ml at W side of tr. herein dese. whieh mc to See 1 & 2-22-2 thn S 58011' E. along said State Oy R. Building sitej thn S. to State Oy. of said Res. to a pt. S of IP thn N. to IP. -'..._- , .-e_