HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012300130 V.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ 'If SALE PRICE Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - ')2 11267~ Roscoe G. Marble et ux 2 .lh5 A l 2 L C ?,r;r . 1.-;.,./1-0'; e '1....IQ .ft " o!/ht.....,.'r1t7.. .L ;&2. &.. .L ..L r7{7(": :;2- ,;L L ~'7, ~76 '11-2 ,-JJf~nu.oi' 9, -1~/fJ ~~) JI L IJil.. I.A: ,L 2. ..L .L fL '0, US7'1'':;-7 OC'c> , - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -I- f-- - - - - - - - I--- ----~----- -------------------- ---------------- ~":.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuIldings) VALUE t),V J~ , ...s-<::: S-2> 3tJO 3.3 Q - 6~1- -, ,56 30 3.s-o :3 '30 ,":' (-? i 5"'7 .5t; "t;0 ~ _-7CJ ..3.9 '700 / .!>-r:, ..5"(, /00 ,j-</. b" 6~ (1../,., - / -2S- ~J?!C.. J'/O I;;{ F, /e .h1 ~o 6PS 935 7~ I"; iZlfi ~ -;::'0 t) .L3~a '/R6o 7/ - -') /3UL 3~/o 7,;/ .:;~so L520 $.?,;Jo 12t2 ~ -$- ~ 73 ,%} S"o 40'P .3?do 1'1 ,~ oj-% ~ 3/~G '7bflo - 77 f=);;( ~ ';;500 7S':j l'f , .t;'" - . p. ') t.;::/.-_~~ ~'. .4--;,:-- . ' '0 77 .:JU iJ 0 Z.;/-O D "-..~In ,,-- - , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. AGE. e ~l.;l,~/J.p..l c . ~ .'. "." m_ ,~+ ,1. oi'....GoYt ~3.. , - ~-,..-,...-- nOWn as r 1 ~f Govt Lot 3 Tract Noll of the lmrecorded plat of Gov. Lot 3 Sec 1-22-2 I'iest I'll H. described as follows: Beginning at he sout,,west corn-cr of s:J.io tract 11 1<f.ich is north 51" 08' eaEt 834.8 feet; thence east 322.5 feet fronl tile meander corner to section 1 anc 2 of said t.ownship 22-2 West 'Ii. N.; tJ.ence north 228.3 feet tLence east 107.5 feet kence so"th 228.3 feet; thence west 107.5 feet, to said southi-lest corner of sai<i Tract No 11. .J -.::".-~..., ~ "'-'-----.'--" '-"- t --j~ I I I I I I I I I .. . - .- -.-- - , ~"" NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS nmber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1- Oy".t Timb.r Unimpro'f'ec1 Impr:lud Impro".m.nh B. of E. (Buildin9s) VALUE ?:< f--_. ,S- r: ,Ck 1/5"t>n '7/f' ::;- J' '.:" ,~'f...; %-' 1/500 3/~~ ~ /'/(. " r- "'-- ~' r\-P 1;;. ~7) " G 7" ~. ) Di~:"" ( - --' _. - - -- ..-- --- -- 1 -~.._- ---- -- 1._- - --- -. -- -.-- ---- -. - - ---- --.-- 1----- ---< - --- --- - . u , . 1 I I ,