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/ .-' Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J <f ( Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRiCe 52 14216 Kenneth W. Allyn t,A /1/7''>:<" q '7/;.,t 'k ##.. ~:2 /7'3,f?S f. ~#. "') ."t;;> ~ . , , !3hs ~q71!i5 7JJ~.J. /J7..Jt"" ",IoU//. '3hS:/Cf,?rJ.;1Q 7'h/.Ai ""t,7 .1. /J)" /l/l, I. 5/15 J,qq q{1 f!. ;;. .J UA..vu ~tv be) 2 li_l:L.3__LJd-. C <4- f'a2.fL.L L 2...L. ~-- /1'.:1(;0 ~..:t,.;",. fi'/ I ~ 11.2 L~LJi -------a'" "'''3'10-",- /00,) l- .- Year Oyster ;;Y - 6~ 57 fd. it. /''1 ?/J 7/ 72 110/ '7" I ,. r;A. ,." LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. .' ;.-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (BuIlding.) B. of E. VALUE .64'> ..sC, ..:z..e ~O 3.3tJ 3tO 710 I-]~-- 52J 7j7o :$~ /00 7bCJ ..%60 _ /;)5' 9";-0 /07S" d5"''' J?.5'o ,/;Rt1O :5bo J~t1c11 :':;?'tJeJ ~"~A /''ltJd ~~~ b..::1~ /R6 tJ f// I tJ -Y'S-Od> 37::lt!J ;f,;;2.tJ !:JC[;:' 37'::0 R7?1} ~, co", ,.g-(; ~-?h ,50 ~ )7(} ~% ,.., . ~ ,.. ,t 2/ '7/'-' n .-:'" ~--,.. " . 'j' , :- /,-...!..{ 1.$1, ,r/ ,~ l--' 1/ !Ot"', I<I?, (..~ .<" 16 S- 115',... u "'(1' ~- IC. '/,'~- RGE. ., :t.~2 0 I..:l:~, Q,4.'s6.0~ , . . ?, , ~ p" - . ~>., ~- ..--,,- ---"-' nown as: A tra,'t of land in Gov. Lot 3 Sec 1-22-2 \'Iest W. N. in Hason county lJasi,ineton defcribed a:' fol101vS: 3egirmin[ at southwest corner of tract described as follOiJS l'Ihich is nort!: 51'10' east 031 feet tr,ence east 215. feet frcm tLe meander corner to fractional section one and two of Township above mentic neel ",hence north 228.3 feet thence east 107.5 feet thence south 228.3 feet tLence >lest 107.5 feet to point of beginning. ..