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DISTRICTS . if/ y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUO FPD I - - 54 154176 Edward w. Thomas et ux 2 1&1 A 1 2 ~ c 55 159953 Julius Blatte et ux g( .L HfJ3 fI , 2.. .L c. tf $100 ~ 3:<-!.!i,:;-e:, 71 A,o-8~ A .1-4JU'h I -$ 7'/, "'..sO""" f-- - - - ;0>/1 %-.;> 10&7%'-7 ~rY>: ...,7( ~.oUe~ r-- Jt)c~ ')(Jl) #'i!17f"g 7-(33 7: . . tfb., , v.df ) ~,_ onn t!/16'l'A }/-U-ka d 11). '""-0' r "' ,y - - - - - . - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~., . .. ---- ~------ ---------_--......-....__._...._-""'-~ -""'=- .. '.. '. .' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementa B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 54 .45 .45 10 10 .2L. .45 .45 50 50 .t?.L .</5 ,t./ S /00 /00 ~ ~ / .;?L;"' ,~-' /d,", kl .. ./ i? r.J /9tJ tI~ , 2 .:. 3Rt> ::UP CJ :zL /.5tJo /bl'JI'J 2!1- ''2 ,% 3t700 gooC} :JL 4.', 1; L/. , -1"/ ,I, _) , <:' I ' J 71 . ) ' ./- '~J) ~~ ' L/5,ln )C 5c'r ,;1015" ,"2C?,-" fr ,. 'I::: d - /,._:-"4 ~ ,;( '/77" 5'/...1.70 . ~ , LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. RGE. . ~l' .-- ~aiBf;.O.jtJ - ..?? .. -:..- 2 . 1:t:'~ct. 11 ...f' .J:..l,.Qt,,3_ '. J.I.5- " - - ~ rmerly known as E 85' Tr. 7 of Govt Lot 3 Commencin~ at M.C. or fractional secs 1 & 2; th N 49040' E 851.4' to SW corner of Tr 5; th E 130' to point of beg of tract of land hereby described; th N 228.3'; th E 85'; th S 228.3'; th W 85', more or less, to I.P. " ...,.----- . ----- .,. ~.". fE"a.<U! '3osllo~1